Announces where Covid-19 is spreading: kindergartens and residences have become chimneys


1,369 people were isolated in the last day, a total of 79,777 people are currently in isolation, including those confirmed with COVID-19, according to an NVSC report.

Currently there are 261 cases (of which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases where the circumstances of the infection of the individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not communicate with the confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

On Tuesday, a new outbreak of coronavirus infection was registered in the Marijampolė “Giedruma” nursing home, where COVID-19 was confirmed for six residents. A focal epidemiological diagnosis is currently being carried out.

Yesterday a new outbreak was registered in the Klaipėda district preschool institution “Mini darželiai”, where the COVID-19 disease was diagnosed in two employees. A new chimney was also registered at the Klaipėda ship repair company, where four employees fell ill, and at the furniture manufacturing company in Visaginas, with which seven cases of coronavirus infection have been linked.

On Tuesday, a new outbreak was also registered in the Community Child Care Home of the Švenčionys District Social Services Center, where the infection was confirmed in three children and one employee. All COVID-19 cases were registered in a building and the epidemiological diagnosis continued.

In addition, seven cases of COVID-19 were recorded yesterday, related to the outbreak at the Child and Family Welfare Center of the Joniškis district.

The 11 cases of coronavirus infection recorded yesterday are related to the outbreak in the Alanta nursing home in Molėtai district, 10 of whom are residents and one employee.

Another nine cases of coronavirus infection registered yesterday, according to epidemiologists, are related to the outbreak in the Maintenance and Nursing Department of Vilkaviškis Hospital, where, according to currently available data, 15 cases of COVID-19, 12 patients and three were confirmed employees.

Also yesterday, after preventive tests in the Anykščiai District Municipal Hospital Nursing Department, 15 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, 11 of them are patients and four employees.

Cases of coronavirus infection related to outbreaks were also recorded yesterday in a furniture manufacturing company operating in Šilutė district, food industry enterprises in Marijampolė, Vilnius, Kėdainiai, heat supply company Šakiai, energy company in Vilnius, a company providing collection services for electronic equipment in Kaunas, Kaunas district. collection company, peat industry company in Rokiškis district, water supply company in Šiauliai.

In addition, cases related to outbreaks were confirmed yesterday at the Skemai welfare home in Rokiškis district, Lioliai welfare home in Kelmė district, Giliukas kindergarten in Klaipėda, Pušelė kindergarten in Kazlų Rūda, Pabradė district in Švenčionys district, Pabradė district. in the preschool education group, Birštonas kindergarten “Vyturėlis”.

According to the data currently available, 177 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
