Patients recovering from COVID-19 are surprised: they have to pay for tests, they only have to dream of the sanatorium


Well-known journalist Vytautas Kvietkauskas spent several weeks at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital after he was prescribed COVID-19. The man developed recurrent pneumonia and had difficulty breathing.

After the hospital: a long recovery

Even in the hospital, V. Kvietkauskas, who did not lose his good humor and optimism, constantly shared his comments on Facebook about the course of his illness and about the daily life of the hospital, always thanking his relatives, doctors and all the staff.

Back at home, he told me that his mission to speak out about the responsibility to protect himself and especially others from the coronavirus was over.

Every day I go to rehabilitation classes: exercise, massages, halotherapy. Help. I feel better, but it’s even harder to talk more.

“As much as I could, and I spoke in public, I am now treating the consequences of bilateral pneumonia. Every day I go to rehabilitation classes: exercise, massages, halotherapy (breathing in a salt room). Help. I feel better, but I still have a hard time talking.

Disease costs money. Both drugs and research. Here today, the outpatient clinic has started blood tests so that the family doctor can compare the results of the treatment with the previous ones. All paid research, it cost me exactly 8 cents without 100 cents. Okay, I can pay, this doctor will have something to say and advise me on how to proceed. And those who have nothing to pay for research, for drugs? Just rejoice that you’re alive? That’s wrong. The state, we must all be in solidarity, we must help not only bankrupt businesses, but also those who cannot fend for themselves “, wrote V. Kvietkauskas.

“Scanpix” / AP nuotr./Koronavirusas

I would like the order to change

15 minutes V. Kvietkauskas said that family doctors ordered blood tests, which would help to decide in detail about the course of treatment at home, and would be adjusted if it was necessary to correct something. “From a health insurer’s point of view, apparently this is too good for me or for people like me. So, I have to pay ”, ironically the famous journalist.

He also pointed out that in case of coronavirus pneumonia, rehabilitation in the sanatorium would have to be paid to be able to go there: “Once upon a time, pneumonia was on the sanatorium’s rehabilitation list. It was later removed by a ministerial order, a long time ago, perhaps in 2006. But now that the prevalent satellite of COVID-19 is pneumonia, it could return. “

According to V. Kvietkauskas, he still has a long way to go: 2 to 4 months.

Must be appointed by a specialist

Commenting on the situation in which certain blood tests must be paid, the specialists of the State Health Insurance Fund pointed out that in all cases of uncertainty, the performance of tests outside the competence of a family doctor, as well As the health problems of patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) competencies of a family doctor, the doctor can consult a specialist doctor of any professional qualification. These consultations can also take place remotely. nuotr./Reabilitacija nuotr./Reabilitacija

However, if it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis or choose the tactics of further treatment, then you will already have to go to a medical institution.

“In the event that further investigation or treatment actions are required due to clarification of the patient’s diagnosis or the choice of additional treatment tactics, the patient comes to the medical institution for a contact consultation. These patients, like other patients, may receive other specialized outpatient services (such as day hospital services, expensive tests or procedures).

If a patient (with a referral) applies to a medical institution that has entered into a contract with the territorial health insurance fund for the provision and reimbursement of a specialist doctor and the specialist doctor assigns him the necessary examinations during the consultation, these should performed free of charge at the hospital. states in a comment from the State Health Insurance Fund.

Only if patients who are entitled to PSDF-funded healthcare choose to undergo testing on their own initiative, will they bear the actual cost.

When referring to a specialist, the patient must undergo all necessary tests prescribed during the specialist’s consultation to diagnose, prescribe or adjust treatment. Only if the specialist does not prescribe the exams during the consultation, and the exams are chosen by the patient himself, should he pay the actual cost of the exams, according to the State Health Insurance Fund.

If the patient doubts whether he had to pay for the service legally, he is advised to contact the administration of the medical institution, if the answer is not satisfactory, the territorial health insurance fund, whose specialists can perform the exam.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / State Health Insurance Fund

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15 Minute Photo / State Health Insurance Fund

“We emphasize that all the insured with compulsory medical insurance (PSDF) are subject to the same conditions and requirements for the provision of health services. If you get sick, you should first consult your GP, then the GP will assess the patient’s condition and decide what tests should be done.

The GP can prescribe the exams that are within his or her competence. If necessary, a general blood test, biochemical blood tests with the funds of the PSDF is performed at the request of the family doctor. He may also prescribe a general urine test and a urine albumin / creatinine ratio test, inflammatory index tests, that is, C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and thyroid function tests.

In certain cases, the GP may prescribe other tests if necessary. It should be noted that if the exam is appointed by a family doctor, the PSDF will reimburse the costs of these services and the person cannot be required to pay more. Only if patients who are entitled to health care services funded by the PSDF choose the tests on their own initiative, do they pay the real price, ”explains the procedure of the State Health Insurance Fund.

Currently, the legislation provides sufficient diagnosis of diseases to provide medical rehabilitation after recurrent COVID-19 disease.

There are rehabilitation opportunities

Specialists from the State Health Insurance Fund also explained the possibilities of getting rehabilitation as close to home as possible and as appropriate as possible.

Currently, a physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor’s office is being reorganized into first-stage outpatient medical rehabilitation services so that coronavirus patients can receive faster and more extensive services (massages, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy) as closely as possible. from home possible. .

The first stage of outpatient medical rehabilitation services is provided for the following diagnoses: obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, post-pulmonary surgery, cystic fibrosis with pulmonary symptoms, acute pneumonia, ”he said in a positive comment.

In cases where the first stage of medical rehabilitation services is not sufficient, the Patient State indicates when, there is the possibility of prescribing outpatient medical rehabilitation or referring a patient for complicated lung disease from the hospital to in-hospital medical rehabilitation. “Currently, the legislation has enough diagnoses to be able to provide medical rehabilitation after a recurrent COVID-19 disease,” said VLK.

The National Association of Sanatoriums and Rehabilitation Institutions last week asked the authorities to send people seriously ill with coronavirus to rehabilitation. According to Artūras Saldus, president of the association and general director of the Eglė sanatorium, people with moderate to severe coronavirus have residual phenomena, so they need rehabilitation services, and this would help sanitariums in their current situation to recover.
