Coronavirus in Lithuania: 1232 new diseases, 16 people died, new outbreaks were recorded in residences, kindergartens, companies


1,369 individuals were isolated the day before, out of a total of 79,777 individuals in isolation, including people with confirmed COVID-19 disease.

Currently there are 261 cases (of which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases where the circumstances of the infection of the individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not communicate with the confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

On Tuesday, a new outbreak of coronavirus infection was registered in the Marijampolė “Giedruma” nursing home, where COVID-19 was confirmed for six residents. A focal epidemiological diagnosis is currently being carried out.

Yesterday a new outbreak was registered in the Klaipėda district preschool institution “Mini darželiai”, where the COVID-19 disease was diagnosed in two employees. A new chimney was also registered at the Klaipėda ship repair company, where four employees fell ill, and at the furniture manufacturing company in Visaginas, with which seven cases of coronavirus infection have been linked.

On Tuesday, a new outbreak was also registered in the Community Child Care Home of the Švenčionys District Social Services Center, where the infection was confirmed in three children and one employee. All COVID-19 cases were registered in a building and the epidemiological diagnosis continued.

In addition, seven cases of COVID-19 were recorded yesterday, related to the outbreak at the Child and Family Welfare Center of the Joniškis district.

The 11 cases of coronavirus infection recorded yesterday are related to the outbreak in the Alanta nursing home in Molėtai district, 10 of whom are residents and one employee.

Another nine cases of coronavirus infection registered yesterday, according to epidemiologists, are related to the outbreak in the Maintenance and Nursing Department of Vilkaviškis Hospital, where, according to currently available data, 15 cases of COVID-19, 12 patients and three were confirmed employees.

Also yesterday, after preventive tests in the Anykščiai District Municipal Hospital Nursing Department, 15 cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, 11 of them are patients and four employees.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Infectious Diseases Corps of the Santara Clinics

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Infectious Diseases Corps of the Santara Clinics

Cases of coronavirus infection related to outbreaks were also recorded yesterday in a furniture manufacturing company operating in Šilutė district, food industry enterprises in Marijampolė, Vilnius, Kėdainiai, heat supply company Šakiai, energy company in Vilnius, a company providing collection services for electronic equipment in Kaunas, Kaunas district. collection company, peat industry company in Rokiškis district, water supply company in Šiauliai.

In addition, cases related to outbreaks were confirmed yesterday at the Skemai welfare home in Rokiškis district, Lioliai welfare home in Kelmė district, Giliukas kindergarten in Klaipėda, Pušelė kindergarten in Kazlų Rūda, Pabradė district in Švenčionys district, Pabradė district. in the preschool education group, Birštonas kindergarten “Vyturėlis”.

According to the data currently available, 177 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 172 thousand people. 60 people, 110 thousand. 451 people recovered, 57 thousand. 823 – tebeserga.

A total of 2,514 people died from coronavirus.

In Lithuania, the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was administered to 54 thousand people. 211 people, both doses: 6236 people.

Last day, there were 9,421 investigations into suspected coronavirus in the country, for a total of 1 million cases since the start of the pandemic. 828 thousand 786.

More than 1.6 thousand patients are treated in hospitals. COVID-19 in hospitalized patients, 183 in resuscitation

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 1,679 COVID-19 patients in hospital and 183 in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported Wednesday.

Additional oxygen is supplied in 1089, artificial lung ventilation is applied to 124 people.

170 patients were hospitalized for COVID-19 on the last day.

A total of 2,654 inpatient beds and 305 resuscitation intensive care units were used for the treatment of coronavirus infection.

Of the 8,389 workplace physicians providing services to COVID-19 patients, 156 are currently unable to work due to coronavirus infection and 54 are in isolation.

For other reasons, 591 doctors are temporarily absent.

Due to COVID-19 temporarily 474 out of 13 thousand. 412 nurses, 86 in isolation.

For other reasons, 1,089 nurses are temporarily absent.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Afternoon in quarantine slowed down Druskininkai

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Afternoon in quarantine slowed down Druskininkai

People ages 50 to 99 died of coronavirus last day

16 people died last day from COVID-19, ranging in age from 50 to 99, according to data released by Statistics Lithuania on Wednesday.

A total of nine women and seven men died last day.

Most of the deaths, six, belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years, four deaths ranged between 90 and 99 years.

Three people died in the 80 to 89 age group, two in the 60 to 69 age group and one in the 50 to 59 age group.

Additionally, four coronavirus deaths were included in the overall mortality statistics when the actual date of death is earlier.

They are three women and one man. The two deaths were between 80 and 89 years old, and one was in the 60-69 and 90-99 age groups.

Last day COVID-19 pandemic indicators:

  • Number of new human cases confirmed in the last day: 1,232
  • Total number of confirmed human cases: 172,060
  • Number of deaths from Covid-19 in the last day: 16
  • Deaths from Covid-19 with an actual date of the previous day were recorded on the previous day: 4
  • Total number of deaths from Covid-19: 2,514
  • Number of people recovered in the last day: 1864
  • Number of people who recovered: 110,451
  • Number of people with coronavirus: 57,823
  • Samples of suspected coronavirus were analyzed during the previous day: 9,421
  • To date, a total of 1,828,786 samples have been tested for suspected coronavirus.
  • The first dose was vaccinated the day before: 1,925
  • Last day vaccinated with a second dose: 3,478
  • Total vaccination with the first dose: 5 4211
  • A total of two doses of the vaccine were vaccinated: 6,236
