Donald Trump pardoned former adviser S. Bannon


One of Trump’s key advisers during the 2016 campaign, S. Bannon, was charged last August with fraud in the collection of funds for the construction of the US-Mexico border.

Pardons have also been granted to rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black, as well as former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, the BBC reports.

The pardons and commutation of sentences for 143 people were announced after midnight Wednesday.

“President Donald J. Trump has pardoned 73 people and commuted the sentences of another 70,” his administration said in a statement.

It is not unusual for the outgoing president to grant grace.

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Trump previously granted clemency to former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza, former New York Police Department commissioner Bernard Kerik, who is friends with presidential attorney Rudy Giulian.

Trump’s decision to pardon former advisers Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, whose legal troubles are related to the president himself, writes the NPR, was the center of attention.

The charges against Stone and Flynn are part of a study by special investigator Robert Mueller on Trump’s possible campaign ties to Russia. The president called the investigation “hoax” and “witch hunt.” This generated speculation that there could be more cases of pardons.

The investigation did not find sufficient evidence to accuse Trump’s conspiracy with Moscow. However, Mueller stressed that the president is not and is not fully justified.

Earlier, media reported that Trump was considering granting clemency to his daughter and counselor, Ivanka Trump, as well as her husband, Jared Kushner. He worked for the Trump Campaign and the White House.

CNN also named President Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump as possible pardons. They contributed to Trump’s campaigns and ran his business.

D. Trump could forgive his children for actions taken over a period of time, even if the police are currently unaware of the crimes committed.

This means that people who have received clemency cannot be prosecuted later for crimes committed during a certain period of time. However, such prior clemency would not protect them from prosecution by state or local officials, they would not have immunity from prosecution for crimes that occurred after the clemency was granted.
