Not everyone listens to doctors’ calls: the cold in Lithuania has claimed lives


According to BPNS public relations representative Vilma Juozevičiūtė, three people are believed to have died of cold on Saturday: two homeless people were found dead in Vilnius, and neighbors found a frozen man in Vilnius district, an elderly man from Maišiagala .

On Sunday, five people were reported to have died of cold: dead men were found in Anykščiai, Marijampolė, as well as Ignalina and Radviliškis districts, and a dead woman was found in an unheated house in Biržai district.

Most of the frozen ones were intoxicated.

As a result of these deaths, the police launched pre-trial investigations into the cause of death. There were also more than 30 reports of frozen people: 13 on Saturday and 24 on Sunday.

According to the BPC, several concerned people called about intoxicated people and the homeless, worried that they might be harmed. The police provided social assistance to several people, took them to the shelter. Some people refused such assistance.

Most of the people who experienced frostbite were men, some of them were intoxicated.

“On Sunday, a resident of Panevėžys was called to an ambulance due to frozen feet; despite the great cold, the drunk man walked barefoot for three to four kilometers, wearing only socks,” said a BPC spokeswoman.

Most cold victims suffered frostbite on their hands, feet, or fingers. On Friday, 12 more complaints were received from people affected by the cold.

Extremely cold weather was observed in Lithuania over the weekend: the temperature dropped below 20 degrees in some places overnight. According to the Hydrometeorological Service, the cold will gradually decrease, but in the coming days it will be forecast for several dozen, in some places, up to 20 degrees.

Many people complained of fractures.

Paulius Uksas, an emergency physician and department head at the Vilnius Republican University Hospital (RVUL), says that some 500 people came to the ER over the weekend, almost half of whom, more than 230 patients, had suffered injuries: fractures, sprains, wounds.

“It’s fun to climb a tree on a sled or go down a hill, some recalled a childhood they had 30 years ago. That was the part that was. And, of course, some have slipped anyway – Mr. Ox tells about the reasons why winter fun for people ended in trauma over the weekend. – Of course, there were domestic injuries. The weekend is always bigger traumatic.

There is always more or less at a time when the snow is falling (injury – aut. Past). Because it is not a blister, it is the standard amount (…) of them (injuries – past aut.), But they do happen ”, says the doctor.


Colds are most commonly experienced by antisocial people.

According to Uks, 8 people, one of whom was hospitalized, went to RVUL’s emergency department for frostbite. According to the doctor, freezing often puts homeless people and other antisocials in the hands of doctors, as happened this weekend:

“Social people don’t freeze outside in this weather because they have a place to live and they don’t come out in the wrong clothes. We won’t find him in the emergency department. And those who are not the most social often freeze.

(…) The depth of the frostbite emerges, as well as certain burns, electrical injuries, on the third or fourth day. This is what we find with frostbite, usually first or second degree, if it is a one day frostbite.

And then we go to bed to see how that limb recovers or not. It is not possible to say what kind of treatment will be performed for a particular patient, but, in my opinion, this is not the first frostbite of him (the person admitted to the hospital for frostbite – aut. Past). It’s about the way of life, “says P. Uks.


For other people whose frostbite is not very serious, doctors provide first aid: put on hot bandages, remove wet clothing, and change. Then he washes the person and since homeless or other antisocial people usually fall into the hands of emergency doctors, doctors treat them for lice and scabies and assess whether the person can leave the treatment center.

“Then we put them in the observation room and wait for them to warm up. We appreciate the limb, if it recovers its color and the frostbite does not emerge, only the so-called dementia remains, that’s all, then they move to where they live or to the shelter ”, comments P. Uksas.

Warn parents

To avoid health problems while enjoying winter entertainment, your doctor encourages you to act responsibly and, most importantly, to take care of proper clothing. Uks also cautions parents to be extremely vigilant and keep their minors out of sight when taking their children on sleds:

“For all those who sit on ice, it is (I advise – aut. Past) not to drink alcohol, because artificially it makes them feel that everything is fine. Also, some children are not responsible for their actions and behave correctly while having fun, so parents are responsible for children’s injuries.

It must be remembered that you cannot run a three-year-old from the largest mountain with sleds. Also keep in mind that they also freeze quickly. “

We remind you that the news portal wrote about how to deal with frostbite and what to do to avoid health problems while enjoying winter entertainment.

Gluttony is more common

Mr. Uks notes that when it comes to the health consequences of a cold, it is important to distinguish between two things: freezing and freezing.

“Obesity is a localized skin lesion that is completely superficial and transient in a matter of minutes. And frostbite has its degrees and it depends on what layer of skin the injury is.

People are more prone to dementia, and true deep frosts are rare and more common in people of a certain social class: homeless people, people who abuse alcohol, who tend to fall somewhere, fall asleep and freeze, or those who suffer episodes such as fainting, epilepsy. or a stroke, ”says Uks.


When to go to the doctor?

According to him, changes in color and temperature, sensory alteration in the affected area, the main factors that allow the home to recognize cold-damaged skin.

“A superficial lesion, also known as necrosis, disappears quickly enough with household items such as warmth and calm, an elevated position of the extremities,” said the doctor.

However, if the effects of the cold on the skin do not disappear within the first day, you should consult a doctor to determine the extent of the injury:

“If it’s a deeper layer of injury or a longer-term frostbite, a medical exam is also needed. If that skin condition and pain doesn’t go away in a day, it would be appropriate to see a doctor due to the size. from freezing. “

It is important to warm the skin gradually

The specialist points out that although the difference, for example, between high-degree and first-degree frostbite is very small, their treatment is completely different.

“If we have a real frostbite, it needs dry heat; if we have frostbite, it shouldn’t hurt. However, defrosting must be slow, it cannot be done quickly. If, for example, we put a frozen hand under extremely hot water, there will be a great difference in temperature and this can cause direct damage to the skin. Therefore, the skin must be heated gradually, “emphasizes the doctor.

It also highlights things that, when you return home from a bad cold, could help you warm up and get rid of a fever faster:

“Let’s say that if we want to warm our feet, we have to do it a bit, we can use the same warm water, but after that we should not heat the skin too much. Furthermore, we are already in a warm room, so hot liquids and an unheated cup of tea also help. Also hot and dry clothes, gradually touching the surfaces that are heated, the radiator. “

Emphasize some things

The doctor also highlights three main things to keep in mind to avoid unpleasant sensations after a fun time outdoors.

“Liquids are important first and foremost so that a person is not dehydrated, exhausted and has enough fluids. The next thing is to eat and be full of energy.

When we walk, the muscles produce energy and as a result we move, and heat is also released. That is what is needed in this case, so to have the strength to move, we need to have energy.

When we walk, the muscles produce energy and as a result we move, and heat is also released. That is what is needed in this case, so to have the strength to move, we need to have energy.

Any movement, action, walk or action of something else is also important because it generates heat. This is how we warm ourselves under clothes from the inside, so we have to move out, ”says P. Uks.
