Minister of Energy: The flow of electricity from Astrava to Lithuania is huge


At that time, exactly a week ago, the power plant caught fire at 100 percent capacity and is facing difficulties again, registering the fourth incident since its commissioning.

On November 7 last year, at the request of Aliaksandr Lukashenko, employees of the Astrava nuclear power plant near our border began to increase the power of the power plant.

The next day, the transformers exploded. The power plant stopped. After the restart of the power plant, another serious incident soon occurred there. Belarus later tried to cover up a failure in a vital emergency cooling system.

(5 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. After a great effort not to buy electricity from Astrava, he is already going to Lithuania

And exactly a week ago, when the power of the Astrava power plant was raised to 100 percent. – Now we have received the news of another incident: when the generator protection system tripped, the nuclear reactor was disconnected from the electrical system again. Belarus officially announced this two hours after the incident, which is not significant.

Members of Ecohome, the oldest public organization in Belarus, which monitors the unsafe operation of the power plant in Astrava and rush the world about the incidents, say this is the fourth incident after the official commissioning of the plant. of energy. And what is happening at the nuclear facility is increasingly terrifying.

“The situation has changed drastically since the elections. Total chaos began. I cannot think of another description. Because they canceled the need to have an operating license before the physical start-up of the Belarusian nuclear power plant,” says Tatiana Novikova, member of the Ecohome Council.

According to Belarusian public figures, Lukashenko was presented with a nuclear launch ceremony, and everything else is no longer for the regime.

“The biggest problem of the Belarusian nuclear power plant is the dictatorial head of state, who threatens everyone with his methods, everyone is afraid and therefore ignores international obligations, ignores nuclear safety requirements and does not share information about what that is happening at the nuclear power plant, “says energy expert Romas Švedas.

“On average, a radioactive cloud should reach Vilnius in a couple of hours,” says Ramunė Marija Stasiūnaitienė, director of the Center for Radiation Protection.

The director of the Lithuanian Radiation Protection Center says that he cannot expect a warning from Belarus if a serious nuclear accident occurs at the power plant, God forbid. It is said that 14 alert stations installed on the border with our neighbors would inform us before Minsk. But residents must also more actively prepare for such a scenario.

“But we keep hearing information that residents don’t get. (Potassium Iodide Tablets – Past ed.). Therefore, I urge residents to take potassium iodide tablets at pharmacies or points established by the municipality, because they are very important to protect the thyroid gland from possible damage, ”said RM Stasiūnaitienė.

The Vilnius municipality, which has a population of half a million, expected citizens to take the pills more actively, but the distribution time will have to be extended until the end of the month. Only two-thirds of Vilnius residents are reported to have taken the pills so far.

“We are thinking about what to do with a possible residue that will remain in pharmacies. However, there are other groups that would be convenient to obtain potassium iodide tablets located in Vilnius. Because so far we are talking about those who have declared their place of residence in Vilnius. The city. These groups would probably be students, foreigners without a doubt. We are also talking about this with the ministry, what would be the future scenarios, “says Ieva Dirmaitė, advisor to the mayor of Vilnius.

But what is really not lacking in Lithuania is electricity from Astrava itself. Although Lithuania is obliged by law not to buy it, the Energy Minister says that, unfortunately, more and more electricity is flowing from Astrava to Lithuania.

“The physical flow of the Astrava power plant is huge. It is 2.5 times higher than before the launch of the Astravo nuclear power plant. For what our consumers pay: I can say that there are days when there is up to 25 percent. 100% of the total physical flow. it comes from Astrava, which crosses the border, ”says Energy Minister Dainius Kreivys.

And that number, according to the minister, could be even higher. Therefore, the ministry is in a hurry to prepare a new plan on how to finally turn off the Belarusian electricity button in Lithuania.

“We plan until the end of February, which would prevent the real entry of that electricity into Lithuania. We will have the initial proposals in early February, in the middle,” said D. Kreivys.

The details of the plan, according to the minister, are not public. But the mechanism should prevent the flow of Belarusian electricity to Lithuania, even if it cannot be coordinated with our neighbors Latvia and Estonia.
