A commercial test plan is being developed: once the tests are received, the employees will be inspected


According to her, the first shipments of the tests received will not be abundant, but later, assured the minister’s adviser, other purchases will be organized for the purchase of rapid antigen tests.

“The issue of actions is one of the fundamental pillars. The problems of large-scale testing and the change in strategy are closely related to the fact that a very coherent inventory planning system must emerge first, which is what is being worked on now. ” Delphi S. Bieliūnė said.

The testing strategy, as the Minister’s Counselor explained, involves a large-scale combined testing procedure, that is, using different coronavirus tests.

“We have evaluated everything we need: what stock preparation, what schedule is needed for the process to run smoothly. Based on this, we establish the stages, what jobs will be the first and that we can start only when we receive the first tests.” said S. Bieliūnė.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health also pointed out that the test is one of the epidemiological situations that would be managed. Rapid antigen tests are already legal in the country.

“It just came to our attention then. When purchasing or regulating the use of such studies in test schemes, the state really thinks about their specificity and sensitivity. This test does not require a large laboratory load, as the test can be performed where it is destined, either in a mobile point or in a health center. This is already a great help, considering that the number of laboratories in the country is limited and that robotization processes have not started “, said S. Bieliūnė about the challenges they face.

Observe the practice of other countries, have a preliminary procedure

When asked to comment more specifically on how rapid antigen testing will be organized in Lithuania, S. Bieliūnė stated that the last dots still need to be placed on the “i”.

He noted that these tests, like routine molecular PCR tests, are taken from the nasopharynx.

“We need to have medical staff to perform the procedure and no harm will be done. We seek the most optimal solutions locally, rather than simply transferring the homogeneous experience of another country to the Lithuanian context. Distances and territories differ, extensive testing is related to the fact that we assess who is at the highest risk, so there are local criteria, ”said A. Dulkis’s advisor.

He noted that the ministry already has a preliminary procedure on how tests in the country could be implemented more effectively.

“The initial image is drawn, discussed with experts. I would not like to name specific details, because it should be noted that the municipalities are primarily involved in testing and research. They are having different infrastructures, very different practices. This week’s work is precisely a dialogue with doctors who work in mobile points, fever clinics, municipal administrations ”, said S. Bieliūnė.

This, he said, is done to assess all possible risks.

“We don’t want to blindly approve the scheme in theory, we want to check with those who will have to work on it.” It seems to me that the most important thing here is to assess all the risks. “We have done our homework, but if I said that now it would be no different, it would be wrong, because this week is dedicated to discussions,” said the minister’s adviser.

S. Bieliūnė also said that in order to anticipate the best scheme, it is necessary to reach an agreement with the self-government to maintain a balance between theory and practical implementation.

“I see that there is resentment when total freedom is left or when there are decisions that do not allow oneself (municipalities – aut.p.) to make decisions. It seems to me that a balance is needed here ”, he emphasized.

What will be proven by rapid antigen tests?

When asked which individuals will be tested for rapid antigen tests, S. Bieliūnė noted that they will be used to screen people experiencing symptoms and also to screen people preventively.

Commercial equipment will also be tested.

“We have a separate thought on how to test work equipment where there are chimneys. We look at it conceptually – we have fireplaces in work teams, nursing homes, nursing homes and educational institutions – these are the three main places where those fireplaces are the greatest risk, so we all think about them, ”said S. Bieliūnė.

According to her, the Ministry is currently consulting with the Ministry of Economy and Innovation on the implementation of business equipment testing.

“We are thinking of offering help to entrepreneurs and managing the whole process,” said an adviser to the Minister of Health.

Finally, S. Bieliūnė noted that the final full-scale combined testing program is expected to be approved by the end of the month, when the first shipment of rapid antigen tests should arrive in the country.

“We and (within the ministry) have a working group that brings together people who work in the laboratory, coordinators who work with health institutions. (…) It is very important to prepare properly. If we quickly “get started” and do our homework, we will get mistrust and outrage, “added S. Bieliūnė.

Minister: The scope of the tests will have an impact on the release of quarantine restrictions

Delphi Remember that Health Minister A. Dulkys, who was absent from the Socialist Group meeting on Monday, also spoke about the aforementioned test strategy.

According to him, the scope of rapid antigen testing will have a direct impact on the release of quarantine restrictions.

The minister said the national laboratory should receive its purchased rapid antigen tests in mid-February. According to the centralized contracting of the European Commission, the country has around 100,000. unit tests will arrive in late January to early February. According to A. Dulkis, another coordinated purchase is taking place, but it is not yet clear when these tests can be expected in Lithuania.

“Lithuania cannot live forever with strict quarantine measures. (…) We will combine (quarantine – aut.p.) release measures with testing algorithms, we have schemes. Unfortunately, we don’t have the tests ourselves, but we already see some of light at the end of the tunnel. In this way, we will have both a faster diagnosis and a faster isolation, “said the Minister of Health.

A. Dulkys also noted that all planned testing algorithms and the vaccination schedule will be made public.

“The test algorithms will be made public and visible. In addition, we take care of the measurements themselves,” the minister emphasized.

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