Simona Nainė recalled the painful divorce from Jonas Nainis: when a person says they don’t love you, life turns upside down


LNK’s new online show “Monika Behind the Scenes” will show what’s happening on the other side of the screen. Monika Maluškaitė, the host of the show, who has been working for URBS TV production company for various successful TV projects for several years, will show how preparations for shows and various projects are carried out during the filming of famous characters.

According to the LNK press release, in the interview he will introduce representatives from the entertainment world, who will not only share personal experiences, but will also advise on what to do to establish themselves in this area.

One of the guests of the show is a businesswoman, the interpreter Simona Nainė. According to her, the support of close people is very important in life.

“If it weren’t for my husband John, I probably wouldn’t even have my own brand. He said, go do it, we’ll still come up with something. After all, people are such that we begin to doubt ourselves at the same time. It is important to have by your side a person, friend, sister or any other person who can kick your butt and motivate you to keep going, ”revealed Simona Nainė.

At a time when John and Simon Nain had decided to take a break from the relationship, Simon got the idea to stop calling John.

“When a person says they don’t love you, life turns upside down. At that moment there was everything, and anger and tears rose. I’d even given John my roommate’s number over the phone. Because when there was a party, I kept calling him and figuring out how to avoid it, ”Simona Nainė shared her memories.

Another guest on the show is travel guru, reporter Orijus Gasanovas. This is a man who loves his job. After visiting more than 60 countries around the world, you know exactly what to visit, where you shouldn’t go back, and how much the most luxurious hotels cost.

However, a person who is perfectly recognizable to everyone is faced with comments about his exceptional appearance.

“It is written everywhere that I am Lithuanian. My roots are Greek and Lithuanian, I am a mixture. There happens that there is an article about me that a Lithuanian has gone to some country, and everyone starts to comment: what is he like “In that sense, I am a more sincere Lithuanian than anyone. I was born in Lithuania, I speak Lithuanian. How can I not be Lithuanian?” Asks Orijus Gasanovas.

Another guest, Mantas Vaitiekūnas, an actor on the series “Serious Affairs” who did little to publicize his personal life, openly admitted that it is not what everyone may seem.

“Let’s start with that Monica, without you no one is so interested in my personal life. I am not categorical, but I do not consciously make it public. I try to publish as little as possible where I can get hooked on something. Even if the journalists spoke, I would not share things. personal, ”admitted actor M. Vaitiekūnas.

On the show, guests will not only share personal experiences from their difficult career path, but will also advise on how to start a business, how to start an acting career, and how not to break down and pursue your dreams, no matter how unattainable they may seem. New “Monika behind the scenes” via – every Monday.

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