One of Lithuania’s most famous scientists is failing: contemporaries share memories


P. Baltrėnas established the Department of Environmental Protection and became its director. The department became the main Faculty of Environmental Engineering. This faculty was established one year before the Department of Environmental Protection established in Lithuania.

Prof. he trained many doctors of science and founded and directed the Institute of Environmental Sciences, which he directed. VILNIUS TECH is a publication of prof. The internationally recognized scientific journal Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management was founded by P. Baltrėnas.

P. Baltrėnas is the author and co-author of 20 monographs in Lithuanian, Russian, German, English, 4 scientific books, more than 430 scientific publications, more than 100 environmental inventions, 25 teaching aids, 3 textbooks, more than 100 publications in journals foreign. He received the Order of Gediminas of the fifth degree, was elected a member of several foreign academies and is an honorary doctor of the Saint Petersburg Forestry Academy.

He is also editor-in-chief of the Lithuanian scientific journal, member of the editorial boards of many foreign journals, chairman of the 36th Technical Committee of the Lithuanian Standardization Department LST TK 36 Environmental Protection, member of the Council of Scientists and member of the Lithuanian council. . Teacher over 25 years old. He headed the Public Environmental Protection Commission of the Vilnius City Council, made many efforts to make Vilnius city more beautiful, it would be more comfortable to live, work, relax in it, and the guests would be happy to visit.

Prof. for merits to the city of Vilnius awarded St. Christopher statue and medal “For the merits of Vilnius and the nation”, badges of honor from various ministries and agencies, letters of honor. Many times prof. P. Baltrėnas was also honored by the managers of VILNIUS TECH on several occasions.

The broad, purposeful and productive activities of Professor P. Baltrėnas in the field of environmental protection were determined by his insight, ability to identify current problems, choose the correct strategy, plan properly, anticipate methods and ways of carrying out planned work, bring together a cohesive group of scientists and researchers. One of the important characteristics of the teacher’s approach is the firm and uncompromising pursuit of the goal.

We remind you that P. Baltrėnas was born on September 2, 1940 on the Savitiškis estate, Panevėžys district. 1948 May 22 he and his parents were deported to Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, settled in the town of Mina. Ten in 1958. He graduated from high school, studied at the Krasnoyarsk Riverside Technical School, the Department of Ship Mechanics and in 1962. acquired the qualification of mechanical technician.

1962-1963 worked at Nemunas Shipping Company, ship mechanic, 1963-1970. – Head of Mechanics of the Board and part-time from 1963 to 1966. He studied at the Leningrad Institute of Aquatic Transport, and since 1966. Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, graduated in 1969. and obtained an engineering degree mechanic. 1970-1978 worked at KPI Laboratory of Labor Protection Science senior engineer, researcher. Since 1978 – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (formerly – Vilnius Institute of Civil Engineering) as lecturer, associate professor, professor. 1975 He defended the dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences, 1989. – Doctoral thesis in technical sciences.

The university was fortunate to have a prominent inventor, a scientist. He was never an indifferent observer. Prof. He has always been an active specialist in the field of environmental protection, an enterprising and highly productive participant in all university processes. He is also an example of Siberian toughness, stamina and enthusiasm for younger college colleagues. He showed great passion for science and love for life. His example refuted the stereotypes formed in society about age limits.

Contemporary feedback:

Prof. skilled. Dr. Edmund Kazimieras Zavadskas

Prof. P. Baltrėnas is a tireless public figure, ready to undertake new initiatives. He was the first coordinator of the VISI teachers ‘club, the first president of the VGTU teachers’ club emeritus, 25 years member of the Council of the Union of Lithuanian Scientists, 27 years president of the Commission for Energy and Public Environment of the Municipality of the Vilnius city, 25 years chairman of the Committee of the Department of Standardization. He was a consultant to the Government of Lithuania on environmental issues, a member of many other committees, working groups and commissions not only at the university, but also abroad.

Prof. skilled. Dr. Algimantas Zakarevičius

Prof. P. Baltrėnas led a group of young scientists and encouraged them to lead even younger scientists. More than 20 doctoral theses were prepared and defended under the supervision of the professor. In this way, continuous scientific ideas are created, a scientific school is created, complex ideas are created to solve individual tasks.

Investigation groups. This principle of organization of scientific work is clearly visible when looking at the rich lists of publications of the professor and his students. The working principle of the research groups allows solving problems more quickly, obtaining better research results and implementing them in the resolution of applied engineering projects.

Doc. Dr. Raimondas Grubliauskas

Prof. skilled. Dr. Thanks to P. Baltrėnas, the department has a long and deep tradition in training physicians of the highest qualification in environmental engineering and landscaping. Since the establishment of the department, almost 50 doctors of science have been trained, most of whom – 20 – were trained by prof. skilled. Dr. P. Baltrėnas. Several unsuccessful attempts to regain a PhD in Environmental Engineering did not get out of the way, and perseverance and dedication only carried forward. These are distinctive traits that you can envy and strive to achieve. As he has repeatedly quoted the saying “Saints do not nail pots”, which made many smile, but the further away, the more one can agree that there are no unfinished works that cannot be carried out …

Dr. Alexander Chlebnikov

The contribution of P. Baltrėnas’ constant and determined work to the environment is appreciated not only by Lithuanian and European scientific institutions and organizations, but also by the world, and in some of them his professor is recognized as an honorary member, academic and physician. , as a full member and expert. In addition, he successfully chaired the Public Energy and Environment Commission under the auspices of the Energy and Environment Committee of the Vilnius City Council.
