A.Armonaitė: we will not be able to take into account commercial rental proposals Business


“We have been listening to these proposals, in fact, not since the first month and, unfortunately, we will not be able to take them into account,” said A. Armonaitė on Monday in the “Monetary Affairs” program of the delfi.lt portal.

“There are a number of things: first, there was a rather complicated and slow support. Second, the eligible subsidy is more flexible, you can pay rent, utilities or other things,” said the minister.

We listened to these suggestions, in fact, not during the first month and, unfortunately, we will not be able to take them into account, – says A.Armonaitė.

According to her, during and after the first quarantine, there were also doubts about the transparency of the rent subsidy measure.

Trade representatives suggest that the support of the expected 150 million. The € 1 million package would be allocated to businesses hardest hit by the pandemic not on the basis of fees paid, but on the basis of pre-quarantine rental costs.

As Andrius Romanovskis, president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK), told BNS last week, such support would be aimed at the most affected sectors.

According to him, linking support to personal income tax means that companies that do not incur higher costs when not operating in quarantine are also eligible for the same support.

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Money

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Money

For his part, Gediminas Balnis, vice president of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants, head of Amber Food, BNS, said that the rental costs of the company he manages only amount to 300,000 LTL. per month.

Last year, the companies submitted $ 45.9 million. Real estate rental reimbursement requests worth EUR for the first quarantine. The affected companies were compensated up to 50 percent. rents from mid-March to September, provided the owner provides at least 30 percent. discount.

The second package of support for the most affected companies, whose turnover was reduced by more than 50%, is scheduled to start in February, so the state aid scheme still needs to be coordinated with the European Commission.
