Lithuanian convicted of cruel treatment of people: women asked for quick loans for it


The case of V. Davenis had even been seen twice before in the Supreme Court of Lithuania. Once the case was ordered to be reopened and a final verdict was already adopted for the second time.

Mr. Daven has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for human trafficking and fraud. Up to nine people, mostly women, have been identified as victims of this person.

The court awarded the victims of V. Davenis various non-pecuniary damages, estimated at 1.8 thousand. up to 6.9 thousand. euros.

Violent and threatened

According to the file, V. Davenis exploited socially vulnerable people. He used violence against his victims, as well as embezzled quick loans taken in his name.

Thousands of euros are said to have been misled by people through deception, lying that they are necessary to do business. Physical and mental violence was used against the victims.

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PHOTO GALLERY. Living conditions of prisoners in the Pravieniškės Open Correctional Colony

A guy was forced to live with Daven in his car and then managed to escape.

“They said I would go to Germany, warehouses. I fled because I was afraid of more violence. I managed to escape when I was drunk sleeping in the car,” said the young man after a court hearing.

Davenis, 53, pleaded guilty at trial, though he said he didn’t remember much. A man convicted five times in court complained of memory problems. Most of Davenis’s victims were women of all ages.

Sold his property

A young man seeking work was also recognized as a victim. D. Ž. Struck while looking for work in November 2016, upon seeing his advertisement online, Mr. Davenis contacted the young man and told him that he could work as his personal driver.

Later, D. Ž. They threatened to confront him and his loved ones, they beat him. The guy sold the car and his mother’s, the accordion, and gave the money to the abuser.

Also, the guy was persuaded by a cell phone company to buy a phone and a computer. They were then turned over to Mr. Daven, who sold the items to someone and used the money for his own purposes.

Lived with V. Daven

VT Moteris from Vilnius was interviewed in court and said that he had met V. Davenis in the fall of 2013 through the radio station’s dating ads, and the couple soon settled in the Trakai district.

The woman gave the man 1,229 euros. The woman who worked as a chef said she was not earning large sums, so Davenis asked her to apply for quick loans. Mr. Daven persuaded the woman to go into the perfume business and the couple had even gone to Poland, where they bought a complete luggage and a beauty shop.

Later, Daven told his longtime friend that he needed the money again, this time so he wouldn’t be jailed. The woman did not ask who needed the money and borrowed about 1.7 thousand from her sister’s husband. euros. The money went to Mr. Daven.

“He told me that he would put him in jail if he didn’t pay that amount. I felt it, he told me not to have a father’s mother, they died. But when he raised his hand in front of me, we didn’t communicate anymore and we broke up, ”said the victim.

There are also more women in the case who applied for quick loans and gave the money to Mr. Daven, taking advantage of the trust of a victim, a man who bought a car for a consumer loan.
