M. Bertulis and the director of Pravaturas in the United States met Tanokas Beard and lived with Martynas Pociai


Read the first part here: The director of Pravaturas and M.Bertulis followed in the footsteps of “Beech and Beech” on the trip to the USA.

After shopping for warm clothes and other nonsense mentioned in the story above, they visited all of the Beech and Beech filming locations in Salt Lake City, toured most of Utah’s national parks, and seemed to stop there as if to immerse me even further. And instead of how decent people would fly to Lithuania and be like everyone else, they decided to drive across America.

In Salt Lake City, they rented a car for ten days and flew through the Wild West to Chicago. True, not right away, because before he left he still decided to visit a couple of Utah celebrities.

Anyone with minimal interest in NBA basketball knows the Utah Jazz basketball club (used to say Utah džiazasIsn’t that right?) Those who are interested probably know the most famous basketball players on that team of all time: John Stockton Karl Malone. Both are symbols of Utah basketball, but not individually, but as a unit, as they played together on that team for many years and achieved many important achievements. One by one, they did nothing too much, and at the same time it was a great fist. Like Girėnas and Darius. Or Mikaitis and Bertulis. Although no, these may not be many.

That’s it, the guys decided on the occasion to find these former basketball players and talk to them. When they didn’t find J. Stockton, they found out that K. Malone lives somewhere nearby and does business; has a kind of tire company. They decided to break into that good person’s daily routine and communicate. Still, they couldn’t find Karl. The children and the mother were a bit upset, but they found another celebrity: Tanokas Bearda, who had been playing in Kaunas “Žalgiris” for several years. Of course, it is not as famous as those two (more precisely, it is not famous at all in Utah), but Lithuanians are known for it.

Photo from personal archive / The trip of M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis to the USA.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis’s trip to the USA.

Here they did better: they found Tanoka in a gym throwing the ball into the basket. Now he teaches children the secrets of basketball. The boys, he said, were a bit worried because Tanoka, if you remember from Kaunas, was an attractive man. But maybe after age or life experiences, he kindly accepted them, even spoke to them, told them stories, allowed them to be photographed.

Photo from personal archive / The trip of M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis to the USA.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis’s trip to the USA.

Bertulis said that this episode of the trip was his third favorite, so after such a beautiful stay in Utah, the only thing left was to leave so that the impression would not be spoiled. And anyway, the friends felt they had already done what they could in Utah.

Another more serious stop was the city of Denver, Colorado. By the way, only Mikaitis and Mikaitis mother drove the car during the trip: Bertulis was sitting drinking and giving orders, because he had not taken his driver’s license. He also said that while driving in Colorado, he sang the Virgis Stakėnas song about Colorado. You know? I did not know until nepagooglinau.

VIDEO: Virgis Stakėnas ’13 (LRT- Tai-as 13) – Colorado

Denver greeted travelers much grimmer than Salt Lake City. The city was completely closed due to the pandemic. I have nothing to do. But Mikaitis, Mikaitis’s mother, and Bertulis are not the kind of people who wouldn’t think of what to do when there is nothing to do. They found a former basketball player who lived nearby and now Martynas Pocius, who no longer works as a basketball player at the Denver Nuggets Club.

It already happened that Martynas’ family was in Lithuania at that time, and he himself stayed in Denver and had free space. The travelers came to talk and stayed with him for a few days. He said that Martin wasn’t very angry about it, because apparently he himself was angry about being alone all the time. I would say that it is not bad when the handcuffs leave and nobody controls you, but during a pandemic, this phenomenon loses some charm, because there is not much to do for anyone, everything is closed.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis's trip to the USA.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis’s trip to the USA.

Probably because of this, Pocius was in no rush to leave the travelers from their homes. Of course, there is a small possibility that, in part and because, as the travelers boasted, they spent their time there in a beautiful and friendly way, but I would not dare to think about it. He said they drove through the area together, preparing food and throwing a projectile into a basket hanging in Pocius’s yard. It is true that the food was produced only by Pocius, because the travelers believed that he was in the area, so he did not intervene, because he did not want to spoil the dishes. But they supported him morally, praised him and encouraged him in every way, he said.

It turns out that a good person is Martynas; after lunch, he also carefully trimmed Bertulis and introduced him to the Denver Nuggets. The end of all teachers. On the same occasion, Vytautas presented him with a Pravaturas T-shirt and put it on his shoulder. Everyone was happy. At least until a few days later, Martynas said it was time for the guests to leave. The guests did not dare to disobey, however pleasant and warm it was to sit in Pociai.

Photo from personal archive / The trip of M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis to the USA.

Photo from personal archive / The trip of M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis to the USA.

After leaving Pocius, it was time to leave Colorado as well. It is true that before leaving, the merry company also managed to experience the adventure in idle Denver. Not all of them were fun, but at least one was.

Leaving Martynas Pocius’ home, the travelers stayed one more night at a hotel in Denver. Because the city, and perhaps the entire state, is in a seismic zone of some level, earthquakes do happen from time to time. Residents are urged to report to services as soon as possible if they notice unclear vibrations or other disturbing phenomena.

So, while resting in a hotel, the director of “Pravaturas” Vytautas felt and understood exactly those vibrations: it began. An earthquake hit Denver. The acting director responded with lightning speed, not a minute immediately, and informed services that there was a vibration in the hotel rooms and a possible earthquake. The services appreciated and suggested waiting for further instructions. Unfortunately, not only did Vytautas not receive them, but after taking a closer look he realized very quickly that a black couple were having sex in the next room. Perhaps an RPG was played to make it more difficult, history does not explain.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis's trip to the USA.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis’s trip to the USA.

But the fact that when the neighbors stopped playing, the earthquake in Vytautas’s room also ended. Vytautas did not reveal if the services contacted him to thank him for their concern or if only he laughed at himself. recumbent alien.

That day was not the most pleasant for Vytautas in general. After the night of the earthquake, in the morning he found his rental car door bent, costing him nearly $ 300 extra when he added the car in Chicago. I accepted this as a personal failure, because I kept insisting that he take out this comprehensive insurance when renting a car. I was never convinced. I feel a little guilty about that.

Photo from personal archive / M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis's trip to the USA.

Photo from personal archive / The trip of M. Bertulis and V. Mikikaitis to the USA.

Despite the setbacks in Denver, the time has come, according to the late, but immortal in our hearts, better known than just Ray Charles Robinson – to “Hit the road”, understand – follow the path. And he, through the states of Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, spread to Chicago.
