Russia is coming to an end: during the New Year, the country drowns in crime and disaster! –


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Russia is coming to an end. Photo by EPA-Elta

“We don’t have the money for a good vacation, which means it’s completely unnecessary!” Said 65 percent of Russians in a sociological poll last December.

They voted 11 holidays this year, on December 31st. – January 10 – Be transferred to May. In previous years, there were a third fewer supporters of such changes. Russia is clearly degrading. Lithuanian experts are concerned that this could affect Russians still living in Lithuania.

Psychologists link the results of sociological surveys to the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the devastating wave of the virus, most of the winter entertainment was no longer possible.

By summing up the results of these New Years drunks and laying on the couch and watching TV, the very painful truth became clear: an unprecedented jump in domestic violence compared to last year.

During the coronavirus rampage, the number of crimes increased significantly in fifty regions of Russia, especially in the country’s largest cities: 12,2 thousand crimes were committed in St. Petersburg. crimes, in the capital Moscow – 4.9 thousand. Comparing the crimes committed in Vilnius and Kaunas, respectively, the criminogenic situation in our country differs significantly for the better.

“Crimes during this period have one characteristic: they are committed almost without selfish incentives, but they are characterized by increased resentment towards the victims,” ​​commented psychologist Anastasia Aleksandrova.

Moscow police also note that there have been no cuts of this scale in the past during the winter holidays.

People hurt each other in public places: shops, pharmacies, the street, and apartments. The women also used the knife.

In an apartment on Marshall I. Bagramiano Street, two close young friends carried out a butchery as soon as the Kremlin courtiers called. The 46-year-old supermarket security guard lost the fight. She, injured with a knife in the back, had to be transferred to the hospital.

In another district of the Russian capital, a 73-year-old retiree, a former rugby coach, tried to massacre his 67-year-old wife early in the morning, but managed to deflect the blow to her throat at the last minute.

The 40-year-old couple got angry while celebrating in the Choroshevsky district. The brother suffered trying to distinguish them. A knife was stuck in his chest close to his heart.

It was not just Moscow that was “celebrated.” In Vladivostok, the couple decided to meet the New Year in a recreation center on a Russian island. But during dinner, the couple got angry and the wife locked herself in one of the rooms. Signs of life.

In Altai, quite the opposite. After a drunken drunkenness on the night of January 1, a 29-year-old wife was left alive at a camp and a stormy morning fight with an elderly spouse. She killed her husband.

Novokuznecke – an even more impressive sight. In the morning after the celebration, the men had to quell the fights of ten women who had not yet had a drink in the newly opened pub.

In the town of Kondopoga (Karelia), in V. Lenin Square, teenagers were beaten, but a random passerby who suffered a blow to the head required medical help.

A terrible crime has been committed in Khakassia.

Returning from the oil business for the holidays, Andrejs, 41, initially got drunk with his roommate and later set the bedroom couch on fire.

He was standing next to a crib where a 6-year-old girl was sleeping. Andrei considered it the fruit of the love of his girlfriend and another husband.

The man took the drunken partner out onto the street and the girl was burned alive. At the police, Andrei explained that he had forgotten about the boy.

Seeing the sofa at night, where the girlfriend was constantly cheating on him while he worked in the oil business, the man decided to destroy the unpleasant reminder.

Obviously, after those holidays, thousands of Russians will have to live with even more unpleasant memories. With such a neighbor on the sidelines, Lithuanian politicians were undoubtedly concerned about the need to allocate several times more funds to the military budget, because otherwise we would not hold.

In Lithuania, meanwhile, the country’s population is relatively calm. Apparently getting ready for the next weekend.

Raseiniai d. A man who had caught two women with an ax revealed the reasons for the misunderstanding: Marius Marcinkus, 36, a village in Norgėlai (Raseiniai district) outraged by drinking, poured out his pain with an ax: a man who killed his partner and his mother tried to destroy them. However, the fire did not destroy the evidence of the crime: although medical experts immediately found that both women, whose bodies were found in the fire, died peacefully like all normal people of a coronavirus, sadly from a bloody ax covered in victim – the simplest accident. The unfortunate suspect caught by officials didn’t even try to remove the blame: He admitted that he was a bit angry at women and that he got a bit feverish. The result is two burned bodies. It is no longer possible if they have been vaccinated.

There were more accidents and incidents in Lithuania, but officials did not realize everything, because they saw the children with sleds going down the hill and made sure they did not fall off their masks. No serious conflicts have been identified between the offenders, although, of course, there have been those who have been apprehended and yelled at and kicked with their own voice. However, neither gas nor electric shocks were required for police use. This time.
