Unemployment Status: How To Pay PSD And What New Benefits To Expect Soon


As you know, people of working age who are not working, studying or participating in any economic activity must pay PSD contributions independently. But there are exceptions: the full list is here.

When not to pay PSD

People who have the minimum legal duration of social security pensions are insured with state PSD funds. In other words, seniority guarantees health insurance for people of working age who do not work at the expense of the state, even if they are not registered with employment services.

For those who reach retirement age this year, the PSD guarantees 31.5 years of experience in pension social insurance at the expense of the state.

Residents who even before 2017 December 31 have acquired at least 30 years of experience in social security pensions are insured with state PSD funds.However, if a person reaches retirement age in 2023, the PSD guarantees 33 years of service purchased at the expense of the state.

You can see how the required duration of service is extended here.

You can verify if you have this experience by logging into your Sodra resident account through electronic banking.

The data on the accumulated duration of the service does not appear in the registry by itself; You must contact Sodra and submit a request.

Eglė Samoškaitė

Eglė Samoškaitė

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

Unemployment benefit is not for everyone

Unemployed persons registered with the Employment Service are insured with PSD at the expense of the state. The unemployment insurance benefit can only be applied for after registering with the Employment Service.

However, it must be emphasized that the benefit is not due in all cases. Eglė Samoškaitė, Advisor to the Minister of Social Security and Labor, Linas Kukuraitis, told Delfi that an unemployed person can receive unemployment social security benefit if they have accumulated at least 12 months of unemployment social insurance during the past two years and medium (or 30 months).

The benefit is paid for 9 months and decreases every three months. Its amount depends on previously earned income, the approved monthly minimum wage and the established “ceiling” (there is an upper limit that the benefit cannot exceed).

Fixed part of the profit: 141.25 euros, plus a variable part of the profit (which decreases every three months):

1-3 months – 38.79 percent. average insured income of a person.
4-6 – 31.03 percent. average insured income of a person.
7-9 – 23.27 percent. average insured income of a person.

Maximum benefit for registered unemployed in 2020 In the second quarter, it amounted to 783.51 euros (the ceiling varies according to the country’s average salary).

The unemployment benefit can be calculated here.

Getting a temporary job search assignment will be easier

Today, the Seimas adopted amendments to the Laws on Social Security of Employment and Unemployment: it was decided to improve the conditions for the payment of the job search benefit.

Time will tell, but so far the system, according to the unemployed, has not worked well. The rulers’ promise to care for people who couldn’t find work has come true. It turned out that no applications for benefits were accepted during quarantine, and the exact procedure on how and to whom job search benefits would be paid was not established.

It is now established in Seimas that the temporary job search subsidy could be paid as soon as the law takes effect (it will take effect as soon as the President signs it). According to E. Samoškaitė, it will be available to unemployed persons registered with the Employment Service who do not participate in active labor market measures (that is, those who do not study under an apprenticeship contract, do not participate in vocational training and the like).

Temporary Job Search Allowance Amounts

If the unemployed person already receives the usual unemployment benefit, 42 euros will be paid, if he does not receive – 200 euros.
According to E. Samoškaitė, the temporary benefit for the unemployed will start counting from the entry into force of the law (it will take effect when the President signs it) and will be paid monthly during the previous calendar month. You should contact the Employment Service.

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