Interview with an Ericsson researcher (1): What will the 6G connection bring and what will the future look like?


More on what 6G technology will bring to humanity and what the future will look like 15 minutes spoke with Dr. Ericsson’s team leader. Magnus Frodighu.

– What is your vision for using 5G, what benefits will this technology bring to people, not to mention technical issues such as latency, data transfer speed or network capacity?

– Yes, we are at the beginning of the development of 5G networks. I think we can already see that consumers in countries like South Korea are already buying new devices and starting to load more of their experience on the network, enjoy more network capabilities and consume more data, so of course 5G will provide many more options than 4G. This is the reason why many operators are investing in these technologies and meeting the needs of consumers. But this, of course, is just the beginning.

There are many innovative things that will be offered to consumers: We are already seeing augmented reality glasses, in the form of prototypes, and we can expect them to hit the market in a couple of years. And they will be connected to the network. And augmented reality services will be provided over 5G. It will happen very soon.

The great promise of 5G is the opportunities it opens up for business. Of course, 4G has already offered many capabilities; They have made it possible to offer customers devices connected to the Internet and various services related to them.

Already under current circumstances, the educational process can be done remotely. Of course, 4G makes it possible to do things like that, but we see that 5G will open the way for companies and institutions to offer much more.

Of course, when it comes to additional services related to certain products, we see the possibilities of using technology for remote control. This will probably start in the more limited construction and mining industries, we will see the development of smart manufacturing and the development of flexible factories will require many connected components. All these functions will be compatible with 5G.

Today, with the development of next-generation networks, 5G opens up many crucial opportunities. And relying on those networks will generate a lot of innovation. Huge amounts of sensors will appear that will provide data of all possible types; where possible, machines will be remotely controlled and augmented reality service capabilities enhanced. On the basis of these opportunities, new services will be developed, the consumer equipment industry will develop, and many new companies will be established for this purpose.

If a lot of new things have already happened with 4G, I hope there will be a lot more innovation with 5G. That is what this 5G technology means to me.
