Many do not appreciate the risk of this disease: Jolita suffered a true hell, she thought daily that she would die.


The ailments caused by tick-borne encephalitis amount to a nightmare that occurs, that doesn’t end for several years. Then say the disease. Memory, coordination, sleep and attention disorders, anxiety, fatigue, emotional irritability, headache are the most common. There are also much more serious health consequences, such as limb paralysis or recognized disability. Across Lithuania, registered diseases every year affect the health of more and more people. Doctors are often asked about several popular ways to protect themselves from a tick infestation. However, vaccines are the main protection against the most serious tick-borne disease, tick-borne encephalitis.

Memory disorders still occur

The Jolith mite was infiltrated by the Lithuanian coastal forest. The woman immediately realized that something was wrong, because the site of the bite hurt a lot: “I felt a very sharp pain, a high temperature, a terrible headache, the image in my eyes constantly tripled. It all lasted a few days. I ended up in the hospital ten days after the tick was infested due to serious deterioration in health, “he recalls.

After tick-borne encephalitis, Jolita felt weakness throughout her body for about half a year. The memory disorder has not recovered until now: it is difficult to remember the events of his life, confuse names, surnames, street names, etc. This is an important impediment and the consequences of the disease that affects the quality of life of a woman today.

When asked how she felt during the illness, Jolita replied that she had lost all hope of living, because she constantly suffered, “broke” her entire body and had other health ailments. There was also a feeling of hopelessness, apathy, depression, because I just thought every day that I was going to die. The question was only once. The woman’s relatives, surprised by this event, were always afraid to leave her alone.

The second wave of illness is critical.

Symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis include fever, flu-like musculoskeletal, headache, fatigue, and weakness. According to Kaunas Clinical Hospital infectologist Laima Nakutienė, during the first phase of the disease, these symptoms can easily be confused with colds and all viral infections. Well-being can deceptively improve, so after a week the person thinks that they are fine. However, after the alleged recovery, about a week later, a second wave of fever and symptoms of damage to the central nervous system occurs: severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, neck muscle stiffness, loss of consciousness, orientation , thinking, speaking, involuntary tremor, impaired balance and coordination.

According to the infectologist, doctors come not only after the tick is sucked, but also when a person cannot remove it by himself when he is in hard-to-reach places on the body: “People believe that we will test the blood and We will inform you immediately. ” However, it is only possible to assess whether a person has been infected with tick-borne encephalitis or a tick that spreads Lyme disease by blood tests after 3-4 weeks. Until then, you must control your well-being and changes in the body. “

L. Nakutiene

L. Nakutiene

© Photo from personal album

Encephalitis can take lives in very different ways.

The infectologist had to see a wide range of diseases, from the simplest “textbooks” to the most atypical. The most common cause of cerebral edema is cerebral edema. One patient developed respiratory failure. The patient had damage to the part of the brain responsible for respiration, which is responsible for basic vital functions. In the case of sudden respiratory failure, the woman was immediately transferred to resuscitation and observed for a long time, and respiratory function was artificially regulated.

“It is strongly recommended not to drink raw milk from cows and especially from goats. If an animal at that time or recently
ticks infected with tick-borne encephalitis have been absorbed, excreted in milk. A few years ago, we treated several generations of the Prienai family for tick-borne encephalitis at the Kaunas Clinical Hospital. They were all infected by drinking their goat’s milk. Most of the family members, unfortunately, recovered the life of the grandmother, who had chronic diseases, was ruined by the disease, “says L. Nakutienė.

He suffers from a variety of health problems.

The same mite can be infected with tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease at the same time. The latter, according to the infectologist, is caused by bacteria that live in the intestine of the infected mite, while encephalitis is caused by a virus present in the salivary glands and the mite’s saliva. If a person’s immune system is strong, they will likely only contract one of these diseases if it is absorbed by the tick.

Without treatment, Lyme disease threatens neuroborellosis. Then, the nervous system, the joints, various parts of the body, pain in the extremities that does not go beyond the medications to relieve pain, sleep disturbances and sensations occur. After tick-borne encephalitis, a third of patients suffer from various ailments that interfere with quality of life: headaches, memory, attention disorders, and about 10 percent may experience paralysis or paresis of the extremities, “he says. L. Nakutienė, an infectologist from the Kaunas Clinical Hospital.

Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics, but does not lead to the development of immunity and
to get sick. Lifetime immunity is acquired after tick-borne encephalitis.

Protect only vaccines

Sometimes people don’t even realize they’ve been infested with a tick. According to the infectologist, this happens if a tick larva or a nymph is absorbed. The mite develops in two to three years, and if it is infected, it remains so at all stages of development. Nymphs are more likely to infect humans. They are very small, making them difficult to detect, more active in spring and late summer.

Ticks are active day and night. They can immerse themselves in the forest, the meadows, the urban green areas. Ticks need enough moisture, so they live closer to the ground and don’t climb trees. Ticks feed on human blood, waiting for their prey in grass or low bushes, usually 10-20 cm, less often up to 1.5 meters above the ground.

“Tick-borne encephalitis, like the coronavirus, is more vulnerable to the elderly, but children also have tick-borne encephalitis. Therefore, it is important to vaccinate them as well. Vaccines are the most effective form of protection against tick-borne encephalitis. The effectiveness of the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine is as high as 98 percent. Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is most favorable in the fall and winter, but also possible throughout the year, because immunity against tick-borne encephalitis develops within 3-4 weeks, “advises L. Nakutienė for protect yourself.

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