D. Tramp becomes too dangerous in the US – Respublika.lt


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Tramp is accused of inciting a riot near the Capitol, but no Democratic leader has been charged with inciting a riot after inciting the rampant BLM gangs that looted and devastated American property in American cities throughout the year. Photo by EPA-Elta

Tramp is now awaiting trial in the Senate. A two-thirds majority is required to convict the president. The Senate is still controlled by Republicans. But a Senate trial is likely to take place only after Baiden takes office as the new US president next week.

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has rejected a lawsuit against Baiden’s inauguration and the Democrat calls for the Senate to convene an emergency session until January 19. “There is simply no possibility of a fair or serious trial taking place before the inauguration next week,” he said.

Although it will be too late to remove Tramp, the Senate may vote to deprive Tramp of his right to run for president again, which would require a simple majority.

Joe Biden may also receive impeachment

A new member of the US House of Representatives, a Republican from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, said Wednesday that she would present a draft resolution on impulse to the new head of state on the first business day of US President-elect Joe. Biden. publication The Hill.

“I would like to say on behalf of the American people that we must make sure our leaders are held accountable. The President of the United States cannot be a person who is willing to abuse presidential powers and is easily bribed by foreign governments, energy companies. Chinese or Ukrainian energy companies. That is why on January 21 I will use the law to initiate an impeachment against Joe Biden, “said Greg Kelly, head of TV Newsmax, citing MTGrin.

True, The Hill clarified that MTGrin did not specify what accusations it was willing to make in support of its initiative, but in an interview, politics alluded to Baiden’s “ties to Ukraine” as vice president.

It will be recalled that in February last year an investigation was launched in Ukraine into the possible interference of J. Baiden in the activities of the former Attorney General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin. It is true that both this and the investigation into the assault on the former Attorney General of Ukraine ended soon. The attempt to poison Shokin was linked to his activities investigating the activities of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, whose leaders included the son of former Vice President Hunter Biden.

During the pre-election campaign in the United States, the administration of current President Donald Trump tried to find material compromising J. Biden in Ukraine and remove him from the fight for the presidency. Tramp supporters had already commented on some of Baiden’s “business interests” in China, but all these statements did not prevent Baiden from winning the presidential election.

Audrius Butkevičius, signatory to the Restoration of Independence Act and political reviewer, comments on the situation:

Tramp is seen as a dangerous person and a serious competitor in the upcoming elections, which will take place in 4 years. Tramp can actually claim 100 million US citizens. According to the latest Gallup poll, 83 percent of people who vote Republicans, as well as 11 percent of those who traditionally vote Democrats, believe the elections were rigged. Therefore, Tramp now plays a role in illegal abuse, deception and extradition. the role of president, and this role is quite acceptable to many traditional voters, so now everyone knows that it cannot be ruled out of the game.

Tramp, on the other hand, has become a global leader not only for the United States but also for those individuals and the political groups they represent who oppose the rise to power of large transnational corporations. Basically, what is happening today is a merger of the same large corporations and large financial groups with the Democratic Party of the United States and their bid to take power on the one hand and defend the traditional state and traditional values ​​by Tramp and his supporters. There is a clash between these two conflicting camps and the process, which began in the United States, is already moving to Europe and the rest of the world. The idea of ​​Klaus Schwab, the creator and host of the Davos Forum, that large transnational corporations should take over the world, is actually being implemented primarily in the United States. Basically, it is a struggle with the middle class on the one hand and the big corporations on the other, for which this class is unnecessary. These people, known as the derogatory word “redheads,” have managed to build their businesses and fail to serve one of the great and great; today they are the main enemy of these corporations.

Today, Tramp is accused of inciting the overthrow of power, when at the time the United States Democratic Party wreaked havoc in the country using the BLM and Antifa movements for more than a year. Small and medium-sized companies, small shops, bars, hotels, restaurants, offices were attacked … The established order was destroyed, and officials of the administrations of the states governed by Democrats, even at the level of mayors and governors, participated in that destruction. without hiding, but no one thought it necessary to blame the Democratic leaders of the organization and direct participation in the coup.
