Seven new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Lithuania per day.


Differences in traditions

Finding a common word in the United States that is best suited to describe single couples but who live together is not easy. “Friend” and “girlfriend” mean something non-binding, “partner” presupposes a homosexual relationship, “second half” sounds too familiar in a more formal context. Clearly, even the everyday American lexicon speaks for itself: In the United States, couples generally marry at a time when a marital relationship develops between them.

If, after a few years of close friendship, Europeans are still reluctant to think whether they would like to link life with him with everlasting ties, Americans are already setting up a wedding stage at the time.

This rate is due in part to the exceptional status of spouses in the United States and Western Europe. In the United States, married people officially pay lower income and estate taxes, have lower premiums for health and auto insurance, and acquire the right to adopt children. These reasons last decades, in 2015. The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of homosexuals on the possibility of legalizing the relationship.

The religious context is also very important to the marriage tradition. Christianity plays an important role in daily life, especially in the province of the United States. The Bible consecrates the union of man and woman created by marriage, and for conservative believers, marriage in general is the only reason to start a common farm. Not surprisingly, a large percentage of Americans marry, at least for the first time, a long-term permanent partner, a love of school or college.

The only years 1946

What was common in the United States, how community traditions differed greatly from the old continent, began to change. An analysis of data from the National Center for Health Statistics, which has just been released, shows that it was in 2018. The number of marriages in the United States fell to its lowest level since 1867.

In 2018, there were only 6.5 marriages per 1,000 residents in the United States. Compared to European statistics, this figure is unusually high. For example, according to the latest figures from the Organization for European Cooperation and Development (OECD), in Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Slovenia, there are just over three marriages for every thousand inhabitants. In Switzerland, Germany and Austria, the figure is 4.8-5.1.

Even in the years of the Great Depression (1929–1933), when 20 to 50 percent did not have a job in different regions. Working-age Americans got married more often than they do now.

Lithuania, with seven marriages for every thousand inhabitants, is well above the OECD average (4.8). By the way, since 1995, only in Lithuania, Ireland, Latvia, Slovakia and Sweden has the number of marriages increased.

In the statistical charts of EE. In the USA, the curve showing the number of marriages has been shrinking for several years. The record number of 16.4 thousand inhabitants, which was reached after the easing of tensions in World War II in 1946, was never reached later, but the slightly downward curve increased.

There was no worse

In 1958 there were 8.4 weddings for every thousand US residents. USA There were eleven marriages in the first half of the 1970s, but after a decade of distraction, it continued to fall. Having reached ten divisions in the 1990s, the wedding curve dipped in later years with rare exceptions.

After the 2008 crisis, 2009-2013, American newlyweds still maintained the status quo (6.8 marriages per thousand inhabitants). 2016 due to determined lovers, the curve rose to seven, but then started to fall again. 2018 instead, as usual, at least rising slightly to the normal level, sank down.

2017 thousand Americans had 6.9 marriages, and a year later even less.

Even in the years of the Great Depression (1929–1933), when 20 to 50 percent did not have a job in different regions. Working-age Americans got married more often than they do now. 1932 thousand Americans had 7.9 marriages.

Discouraged by financial stress

The sociologist Sally Curtin, who studies the phenomenon of the decline of marriage, believes that there is a complex set of reasons. Firstly, inexpensive: weddings are becoming increasingly expensive. Psychiatrist and author of popular books dr. Gail Saltz also cites financial stress as the main reason why American marriages are losing popularity.

There is a true marriage cult in the United States. According to an unwritten rule, a man has to pay two months’ salary for an engagement ring, the bride’s dress costs an average of $ 1,500, about 140 guests are invited, the celebration is exclusive: more and more Traditional hotels, historic buildings, farms, weddings, nature Turn the ceremony into a performance.

Finally, according to surveys, the bride and groom spend on average at least 33 thousand. dollars Although part of this money is paid by the parents of the young people, the amount is still impressive. Especially if the spouses decide that marriage is a rare opportunity to enjoy life and embark on a honeymoon. In this case, the amount jumps and up to 40 thousand.

The annual turnover of the United States wedding industry is 54 billion. dollars Only Las Vegas earns $ 2 billion a year from marriages. dollars Last year alone, 74,000 people married there. couples

Not everyone can and will spend as much money on vacations, if only for themselves. In particular, the so-called millennial generation, which he still faces as a result of the economic crisis and who already seem to have reconciled that their standard of living will be much worse than that of their parents.

Problems for men

Money is money, but sociologists do not consider it the only reason for the number of declining marriages.

Money is money, but sociologists do not consider it the only reason for the number of declining marriages. 2018 A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family suggests that a lack of the right men may be to blame for the long-term trend.

A team of researchers from the University of Berkeley, who analyzed the period 1969-2013. According to the data, it was concluded that the economic outlook for men deteriorated and the risk of imprisonment increased during this period.

This is mainly due to the widespread practice of applying the so-called three error law. According to the 1994 law, which has come into force for a third, repeated crime, including shoplifting, can be punished by 25 years in prison or life in prison.

The circle of potential spouses to whom educated women can apply has decreased significantly. Like dr. Saltz, Americans today are more educated and earn more than ever, making their claims on a potential spouse higher. Women’s ambitions to pursue a career are also delaying the age of marriage. The average age of Americans getting married: women marry at 29, men marry at 30.

A new model of life.

The changes are also related to the changed culture of society. The role of religion is decreasing, especially in cities. If in 2009 four out of ten couples married in ceremonies organized by religious institutions, in 2017 the number fell to 22 percent.

Young Americans increasingly dare to live single. Polls show that just over half of Americans got married last year in the United States last year. this figure was 70 percent. 7 percent last year, Americans lived with their other half under one roof: 50 years ago, that number was less than 1 percent.

Christine Whelan, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, points out that Americans today are changing the usual order of priorities. “If previously the sequence of the youth plan was love-marriage-baby, now these components can be ordered in any way,” he said.

2020 will further worsen marriage statistics: pandemic will ban big parties in many states, and even with production and disruption of public life, millions of Americans will be at least temporarily unemployed, will no longer be able to pay credits or pay rent .
