A.Dulkys received not only questions but also epithets of “peasants”: “You are the golden man”


A.Dulkys assured that vaccination with the sixth dose of the BioNTech and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine remains an exception. It was decided to do so only after authorization from the European Medicines Agency.

Affirms that the vaccination process will become more expensive

“It just came to our attention then. <...> As the product is new, the entire vaccination process must have an unequivocal guarantee of safety and quality. <...>, it was agreed that we should await the decision of the European Medicines Agency. We were getting ready for him. The same day that the decision was made, we informed the medical institutions about the matter and started using it.

I want to point out that there was no sixth dose. It’s about balance. The situation was different in different countries: in some places, some tried to see even the seventh dose, in Belgium <...> And the sixth dose doesn’t always come out. Here is a very ambiguous question. Most important, apparently, is the message that Lithuania will not receive fewer or more vaccines. You will get the same amount, ”taught A. Dulkys.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / meeting of the Seimas LVŽS faction

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / meeting of the Seimas LVŽS faction

The ministry, according to him, contacted the manufacturers about the use of the sixth dose of the vaccine, but they allegedly refused to take responsibility for the consequences.

“The manufacturer, when we were interested, refused to take responsibility not only for the sixth dose without coordinating all actions, but also said that it could not take responsibility for the other five doses.

It seems to me that now there is more clarity ”, said the minister in response to the fact that the decision has now been taken at the European level.

It is true that now that instead of five, but six doses from a vaccine vial are allowed for vaccination, the vaccination process may no longer be so simple because, according to A. Dulkis, special syringes are needed.

The vaccination process will slow down and, among other things, it will become more expensive because everything will cost money.

“Thank God we had them, others are commissioned. In a certain sense, this will slow down the vaccination process and, among other things, will make it more expensive, because everything will cost money, “he noted.

Agnė Širinskienė, a “peasant”, reacted to the fact that the decision of the European Medicines Agency was awaited.

“I don’t want you to wait, I want you to act,” he said.

Review the documentation for the transportation of vaccines.

On Wednesday, it became clear that the transport of a batch of BioNTech and Pfizer vaccines could have damaged the cold chain.

“We have received a verbal signal from the Emergency Situations Center that there is such a suspicion. When it comes to the safety of people, maybe even lives, we tried to respond quickly and informed medical institutions where these shipments were.

All the luck that resulted <...>that these deviations are small and that the manufacturer tolerates them ”, said A. Dulkys and assured that all the transported doses of the vaccine could be used and vaccination with them was resumed fairly quickly.

However, in light of the incident, the Minister assured that preventive measures had been taken.

“The event showed what the nuances could be. Therefore, I approached the managers of the center that has concluded the transport contracts and asked them to show all the contracts, what were the requirements, what were the procurement agreements, what were their capabilities, and we intend to verify with the manufacturer and address this issue in principle.

We cannot risk and trust operations that we cannot [atlikti]”, – taught A. Dulkys.

Vaccination staff in spas

The Minister also had to explain why spa centers authorized to provide health services have been vaccinated on a priority basis.

According to A. Dulkis, this was foreseen in the vaccination procedure.

SPA Vilnius Anykščiai has such a license and vaccine. Okay.

“It just came to our knowledge then [skiepyti] the entire health system. <...> I know that SPA Vilnius Anykščiai has such a license and is vaccinated. Everything is fine, “he said.

Farmer Tom Tomilin was surprised by this: “Wouldn’t it really be worth considering changing that commandment? If you are vaccinated by employees of private institutions whose work is restricted. In my opinion, that strategy might be worth considering. “

In response, A. Dulkys noted that recovering COVID-19 patients can now be admitted to “unexpected places,” such as rehabilitation hospitals.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Saulius Skvernelis

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Saulius Skvernelis

The outgoing, non-partisan Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis also participated in the LVŽS faction meeting. He wanted A. Dulkis, if he lacks documents, to contact the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, who had previously handled the COVID-19 pandemic.

“You don’t find much in the ministry, it’s Aurelius Veryga. Maybe you can make a videoconference, from what drawer, what document to bring? Because when you say, we don’t find that, second, fifth, the government made all those decisions,” said S Skvernelis.

Find time to rest.

The politician also wanted not to forget about the break: “You spoke today in Government Hour that you do not count days or hours. Yes, the situation is complicated, but find time to rest. Golden man, you only think about the state, but don’t forget, it is also necessary for quality work. “

Conversation between “Campesinos” and A.Dulkis:

VIDEO: “Valstiečiai” invited A. Dulkis: he received not only questions, but also ironic praise

A. Dulkys will also answer questions from “peasants” and “workers” working in the opposition during the Seimas evening session to be held on Thursday.

Here, the Minister will have to explain how many doses of COVID-19 were used when 5 but 5 doses were taken from the vaccine packages manufactured by BioNTech and Pfizer, if the need for syringes for vaccination was assessed and additional purchases were made. arrival of the third shipment of vaccines, the second shipment was not used for vaccination and the like.
