Seimas verdict: Travelers must get their money back within 14 days for lost trips


Žydrė Gavelienė, director of the Lithuanian Chamber of Tourism, has told BNS that not all tour operators have settled customer accounts. As far as she knows, about 3 million. euros. Among the non-reporters are the main tour operators.

The deadline will begin on February 15.

There is no more controversial previous decision of the Seimas, since the deadline to return the money begins to run. In spring, there was a clause that stipulated that the days would not start to run from the termination of the contract (as happened before), but from the moment there were no restrictions on the completion of the trip.

15 minutes has already written that it has also caused a lot of confusion – When will the travel restrictions mentioned in the amendment expire? For example, for canceled trips to Egypt or Turkey, the refund period has not even started to run as they are still subject to restrictions. There is a lot of controversy between travelers and organizers about canceled trips in Europe. For example, there is disagreement when restrictions on traveling to Madeira ended.

On Thursday, the Seimas agreed that the 14-day money-back period for trips canceled so far would start running from February 15. Kęstutis Glaveckas called this date “the best way out of the worst situation”.

“It just came to our knowledge then [tai] We still have time to review the terms of the loans that tour operators can apply for to make it easier for them to overcome this pandemic. But it also protects consumers, ”said Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė.

The Seimas agreed that the 14-day return period for trips canceled so far would begin on February 15.

However, tour operators have specific loans so that they can reach an agreement with clients. the tourism business complains of being overloaded.

However, Mykolas Majauskas stated that “it is not the case that the state does not provide help.” According to him, this aid is quite extensive and significant: loans are granted and taxes are deferred. However, the parliamentarian acknowledged that there could be additional measures, so on the 14th, delaying the deadline and starting in mid-February is a good compromise.

Many members of the Seimas also asked the Cabinet of Ministers not to leave the tourism business without help after the approval of this law, to seek new ways to help this area, which has probably suffered the most from the pandemic.

119 members of the Seimas voted in favor of the amendments to the legal act, 1 parliamentarian abstained.

The EC gave Lithuania 2 months

In the spring, the Seimas adopted an amendment to the Civil Code, which allowed the organizers to return the money not within 14 days, as it was before, but within 90 days, if the trip is not allowed by the restrictions provided in the Tourism Law. It is true that the parliamentarians wanted an even longer term (6 months), but the president objected.

The extension has received the attention of the EC because it violates an EU directive and the rights of the weakest party, the consumer. As a result, it initiated an infringement procedure, proceeded to the next stage, issued a reasoned opinion and gave Lithuania two months to act.

Lithuania may be charged a periodic penalty or a lump sum.

Lithuania can be required to impose a periodic penalty (minimum for Lithuania – 560.88 EUR per day, maximum – 33 652.8 EUR per day) or a one-time fine (minimum for Lithuania – 464 000 EUR). Additionally, individual tourists can sue the state and claim damages.

More than 100 tour operators have experienced 9.5 million over the past year. their income fell by 58%. up to 153 million euros, published by the Consumer Protection Service in November. According to her, the share capital of 112 outbound travel companies has been declining, but it is still enough to bear losses and currently stands at $ 28 million. euros. A year ago there were 36 million. euros.

Last April, the Seimas also legalized the special one-year coupons, received by travelers who could not make paid trips due to the quarantine. If they are not used within this time, the agencies must return the money within 14 days.
