Short does not admit his guilt: he talks about the witch hunt again and says that his speeches are completely appropriate.


Taking to the White House in a presidential helicopter, Marine One, before the trip to Texas, D. Trump described the impending impeachment in the House of Representatives on Wednesday as “a continuation of the greatest witch-hunting policy in history.” .

Just eight days before the end of his term, Trump is abandoned by many of his former colleagues, blocked by social media and awaiting his imminent second indictment for inciting riots against the US Congress on January 6.

Trump’s trip to Alama, where he should boast of having fulfilled his promise to build a border on the U.S.-Mexico border, is the president’s first public appearance after thousands of his ardent supporters stormed Congress.

Although the Alam is not that famous fortress in another part of the state of Texas, it will be one of the last presidential trips of the Republican.

Since the November 3 election, the real estate mogul has stubbornly and unjustifiably reiterated that the real winner of the election is him, not Democrat Joe Biden. In a speech last Tuesday, which he deemed “completely appropriate,” he called on his crowd to “show strength.”

The crowd, fueled by Trump’s rhetoric, took him to Congress, confronted the police, razed legislators’ offices and forced frightened members of Congress to suspend the approval process for Biden’s victory.

This crisis has led many former Trump supporters in business and sports to turn away from it.

In Congress, where the Republican Party had been held hostage to this populist leader for four years, the president was not supported even by politicians as dedicated to him as the influential Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who asked D. Trump to acknowledge defeat In the elections.

However, D. Trump is still not inferior.

So far he has not congratulated Biden on his victory and has not asked his supporters to support the president-elect after his inauguration on January 20. Such a gesture of political unity is considered perfectly normal after the elections in the United States.

According to Axios, Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had a stormy phone conversation Tuesday in which Trump claimed that Congress was being mugged by Antifa activists rather than his supporters.

“It’s not Antifa,” McCarthy replied. “I know, I was there.”

As Trump continues to push his conspiracy theory that he is the real winner of the election, McCarthy has interrupted him by saying, “Stop. It’s over. The election is over. “

In the absence of his speech before the Captain’s assault last week called “perfectly appropriate”

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday denied that his speech last week to thousands of supporters calling for a march on Congress was in any way connected to the violence that soon followed.

“After analyzing what I said … and the last paragraph, the last sentence, absolutely everyone thought it was perfectly appropriate,” Trump told reporters before leaving for Texas.

Blocking social media accounts is a “catastrophic mistake”

US President Donald Trump said Tuesday that giants like Twitter and Facebook had made a “catastrophic mistake” by blocking it after an attack by supporters in Congress.

“They made a catastrophic mistake. They split into groups and they split, they showed what he had been prophesying for a long time, “Trump told reporters before leaving for Texas.

“They analyzed my speech word for word, as well as the last paragraph, the last sentence, everyone thought everything was fine,” Trump said.

On January 6, hours after an unusual rally during which Trump delivered a speech and reiterated his baseless allegations that the November election was rigged, his supporters, who were waving flags, broke through the metal barriers surrounding the Capitol and flocked in mass to the complex, where legislators were summoned to an extraordinary session to approve the results of the Electoral College vote and the victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Legislators had to hide under chairs and don gas masks, and police tried to barricade the building.

Both Democratic and Republican lawmakers have called the chaos that claimed the lives of five people a riot, and critics have accused D. Trump of violent disturbances in his speeches.

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