Police warn: a new plan and new restrictions are being prepared for the weekend


“We have become a mountain and hill police. They were accused of failing to ensure compliance and security, on the one hand, and what we are doing, on the other.

Many times I have heard such statements that children are not afraid of the virus, that sledding is not a cure for the virus. We see this in the need to interpret elementary truths.

We are thinking about next weekend because winter does not promise to retire. We may think of restricting access to certain places. But maybe our ally is cold. But we are planning other effective measures, restricting access to one or another object, ”said R. Požėla at the press conference.

The commissioner explained that the police had already changed the nature of their work. I tried to organize the work in such a way that there were more surprises, more mobility, so that the positions end where they were not expected.

“With less capacity, but working in a different way, we can achieve a good result. The prohibition of movement between municipalities works effectively. There is less traffic on Lithuanian roads and on highways 79 percent.

There were enough vacant resorts for the weekend. I myself went through Trakai, Kernavė, really small streams. What cannot be said of the big cities? ”Said R. Požėla.

However, meetings in private spaces are still a problem: “The emphasis is on private spaces, it is an impossible mission to control the police. But there have certainly been cases where a party is held in which people from more than one household gather.

Bilotaitė: the epidemiological situation in Lithuania has improved, but restrictions will remain

The latest epidemiological situation in the country was discussed at a meeting of the Government’s Emergency Commission. The Interior Minister, president of the Government’s Emergency Situations Commission, Agnė Bilotaitė, said that the curve of the epidemic has begun to change for the better. He pointed out that we are on the right track, but that it is necessary to maintain the current restrictions.

“Lithuania continues to be among the leading countries in terms of coronavirus morbidity. On the positive side, the epidemic curve has started to improve. The weekly number of infected people is already decreasing. With current measures, the drop is already 20 percent. hundred.

The mobility of the population is lower than in December, but higher than in the spring during the quarantine. The police department reported a 79 percent drop in mobility. We are on the right track and it is necessary to maintain the current restrictions, ”said A. Bilotaitė at a remote press conference.

So far, no changes are planned, it is further stated that a more specific assessment of the situation will be possible on January 17.

According to the minister, after January 17, decisions will be made in consultation with experts and, first of all, in consultation with them.

“As the experience of other countries has shown, this must be viewed with responsibility. It will not be the politicians who decide in the first place, but we will certainly trust both science and experts. Then we can speak in a way that allows us to get out of this. situation in the most efficient way possible ”, said A. Bilotaitė.

Interior Minister A. Bilotaitė presented the statistical figures on the movement restriction at a press conference. According to her, during the entire last week, there were around 1,200 checkpoints in Lithuania across the country, around 4,000 cars were lost and around 1,400 protocols were issued.

During the commission meeting, a representative of the Ministry of Health will present his review, and the General Commissioner of Police Renatas Požėla will evaluate the measures applied to guarantee the quarantine regime.

Lithuania has a stricter quarantine regime until January 31. He closed many stores, hairdressers, restricted the movement of people and meetings.

775 new cases of COVID-19 were identified last day, killing 32 people

Last day, 775 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Lithuania, 32 people died, the Statistics Department reported on Monday.

Another 133 people recovered from COVID-19 last day.

A total of 160 thousand people were registered in Lithuania. 446 cases of this infectious disease, 92 thousand. 608 people recovered, 64 thousand. 642 – tebeserga.

A total of 2,232 people died from coronavirus.

Three deaths from coronavirus were also detailed last day when the actual date of death is earlier.

22,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been vaccinated in Lithuania for the first dose. 549 people.

Last day in Lithuania, 4 thousand. 269 ​​studies on coronavirus, a total of 1 million have been conducted since the start of the pandemic. 742 thousand 958.
