The mayor of Šilal alcal district describes the vaccination situation as deplorable


According to the mayor of Šilalė, the situation shocked the heads of the municipality.

“Our little district is not so famous in Lithuania, this resonance resonated throughout Lithuania on our own initiative. It hurts, ugly and immoral, it is a deplorable and intolerable situation “, – A. Meiženis did not hide Delfi’s indignation.

According to him, to prevent this type of situation from recurring in the future and to clarify the current situation, the council created a working group to explain the problem.

At the same time, according to him, the Presidency, the Ministry of Health and the Prime Minister reacted promptly to the scandal, and the Attorney General’s Office and the Special Investigation Service were also tasked with carrying out investigations.

“I think we will draw the right conclusions, assess this situation and try to prevent it from happening in the future.” Our path today – we formed a working group to study first the actions of our municipal administration – whether we did everything or we could have done better, ”emphasized the mayor of the Šilalė district.

Investigate the responsibility of a city council member

A. Meiženis admitted that the name of Loreta Kalnikaitė, a member of the municipal council, is also mentioned in the scandal.

According to the mayor, his behavior and responsibility will be evaluated by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commissions.

“We will try to contact the relevant institutions later, if we see that there are violations in the legislation, if we see that there are violations in the legislation,” said A. Meiženis.

According to the mayor, it is expected that L. Kalnikaitė, as head of the municipal Ethics Commission, will withdraw from the discussion of the aforementioned topic.

L. Kalnikaitė herself is the president, which will undoubtedly be more difficult for us. I think he should withdraw from this investigation and the deputy commissioner could do that job, ”said A. Meiženis.

When asked if there were more non-medical personnel who were vaccinated, the mayor said that he still knows 6 residents of Šilalė district who have been vaccinated at the city hospital.

“Somewhere around 170 have been vaccinated, so I think it will be possible to verify if all the others were really ours (residents, aut.p.). Perhaps there are more cases of this type. Once we received the information, we made an effort to convert it into an appropriate response. At the stage of this investigation, we will also see other cases, but now I cannot directly say if there are other people, ”assured the mayor of Šilalė district.

A second dose of vaccine will be requested from the Ministry

On Monday, after a meeting with Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, the President’s senior adviser, Simonas Krėpšta, said that, in the opinion of the Presidency, people who received illegal vaccines should not receive a second dose, which would develop immunity. to the virus.

Commenting on this opinion of the country’s leaders, A. Meiženis stated that the municipality will ask SAM for recommendations and instructions on the second dose of the vaccine.

“There is a three-week deadline for the second vaccination. If it is not today, tomorrow we will go to the ministry to explain how we should behave,” said the mayor of the Šilalė district.

Nor did he hide his satisfaction at the fact that A. Dulkys issued a decision yesterday obliging the municipal administrations to control the vaccination processes.

“The police were also interviewed to evaluate the fact of coming to the municipality, there is still little movement throughout the country and it is very easy to come here. (…) We will receive the decisions made by the police and we will try to discuss them, ”said A. Meiženis.

A council member was also included on the list of people to be vaccinated.

The mayor also stated that after his deputy Tadas Bartkus tried to find out why the head of the UAB Ambulansas and his relatives were included in the list of people to be vaccinated, it turned out that this list had been handed over to the hospital by L. Kalnikaitė.

The woman runs the Šilalė branch of a private ambulance station and her name is also on the list.

“There are gaps in that review procedure. Those that need to be fixed. I am glad that the hospital itself realized: who did the technical work, perhaps for one or the other, and those doubts arose. On January 7 it was those vaccines We learned the facts already on the 8th. I am grateful that the response was quick, “said A. Meiženis.

According to him, this situation has opened many problems in the control of the vaccination process: the heads of the municipal administration have not been able to obtain the names of the people to be vaccinated due to data protection.

“Until now, until we came across such a case, it did not seem like it was such a tragic situation, and today the facts are such that there is much to do, it is necessary to correct it,” emphasized the mayor of Šilalė.

“The situation is really unpleasant and forces us to look at many things differently,” added A. Meiženis.

On Friday, Šilalė Deputy Mayor Tadas Bartkus shared on social media the news that UAB Ambulansas executives and their relatives who came from Vilnius could be vaccinated against the coronavirus in Šilalė. The news portal was the first to report on possible violations of the vaccination process in Šilalė. Shortly thereafter, the Ministry of Health announced that investigations would be launched.

After the information that Ričardas Ūselis, the director of Ambulance, and 3 members of his family had also been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine in Šilalė, it is announced that J. Pranckevičius, the head of the real estate group (Inmobiliaria) Transmeda, It could have surpassed the doctors.

According to preliminary data, it appears that J. Pranckevičius is the brother of R. Ūselis’s wife. A member of the Santariškės community encouraged the news portal to pay attention to this surname.

For his part, Minister A. Dulkys announced this Sunday that SAM is waiting for explanations from the heads of the clinics and forces the heads of the municipal administrations to control the vaccination processes in their subordinate institutions and investigate possible infractions.

According to the minister, the procedure for preparing lists of priority people to be vaccinated will also be toughened, external inspections will be organized and a hotline will be updated to report possible infractions due to priority vaccination queues.

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