Ambulance shareholder: Ūselis engages in arbitrariness, his behavior is unjustifiable


“Such a decision by Richard is not only incomprehensible, but also unjustifiable. I feel resentment, frustration and shame. I apologize to the community, doctors and private institutions for the damage caused,” says L. Kačinskas in a comment sent to BNS.

Qualify R. Ūselis’s actions as a completely arbitrary and illegal use of the situation.

“It is very unfortunate that often the CEO of Ambulance not only forgets that there are other owners of the company, but generally engages in arbitrariness. It is very unfortunate that Richard, knowing that I was going around on the fronts and seeing what the situation really was, did not consult and did not ask for advice: today we would not have such a scandal “, say 20%. the doctor who owns the shares of the company.

L. Kačinskas states that he could not believe when he heard the news and emphasizes that R. Ūselis not only has no medical education, but also does not work directly with patients. Family members who have been vaccinated at the same time have no medical education or contact with patients.

He also said that he did not understand the decision of R. Ūselis’s son, who works as a paramedic, to get vaccinated in Šilalė.

“I also don’t understand the son’s decision to behave so irrationally without showing due respect to his colleagues in Vilnius – after all, he himself works at the Vilnius City Ambulance Dispatch Center.” Anyway, he would have been vaccinated with everyone. Why take a dose from those who need it most? ”Asks L. Kačinskas, who works at the Aleksotas Sector Psychiatric Hospital of LSMU Kaunas Hospital.

According to him, Šilale had a total of 150 doses of the vaccine, which is already very little for the doctors who work here, not to mention even the nursing home patients who fall into the priority group.

L. Kačinskas also says that together with R. Ūselis’s family, a total of 20 of the 55 Ambulance employees received vaccinations.

“Unfortunately, most of the vaccinated people are not involved in providing the necessary or primary medical care, but in the administration of the company or simply in family ties and do not work in the company,” he says.

The doctor emphasized that he was embarrassed and saddened by R. Ūsel’s actions.

“It is very unfortunate that the selfishness of one person in one day can destroy what we and our colleagues have been creating for a long time and in a responsible way. The manager’s irresponsibility causes irreparable damage to the eyes of both medical colleagues and the public. 22 years of operation of the company, directly to the sewer shaft ”, said L. Kačinskas.

According to him, there are many doctors and patients in Lithuania who should receive the vaccine before the head of the company who did it arbitrarily.

“Isn’t everyone else worth less than a person who only owns a private express? I realize he’s sick, but so am I. And most of the community. But here there must be awareness and responsibility, both for the employees from one, as for other medical colleagues and the community. I cannot speak of breaking the oath to work for patients, because he did not do it, but the priorities are clear to all, “said L. Kačinskas.

On Saturday, the portal announced that the COVID-19 vaccine had been vaccinated at the Šilalė GMP station by the head of the company that operates this station, R. Ūselis, and three relatives who do not work for the company. The company’s vaccine list also included more clerical staff than medical last names.

The businessman himself explained to the portal that he did not see anything wrong with this decision and said that he would always take care of the vaccine in this way. Speaking of his relatives, R. Ūselis said that he would prepare them if he needed to volunteer.

“And what – we are not medical ambulance? We asked, they gave us and we went, we vaccinated. Employees, volunteers, because half of our brigades are sick from the crown,” he explained.

Following a press release, the Health Ministry announced that it had launched an investigation into the case and the stories published earlier this week by BNS that the non-hired teachers had been vaccinated at the Žalgiris Clinic of the Vilnius University Hospital.

President Gitanas Nausėda called the unsuccessful attempts to obtain vaccines “shameful relics of Soviet behavior” and demanded swift and decisive decisions on the responsibility of those who violated the vaccination regime.

The Special Investigation Service announced Saturday night that it had decided to conduct an anti-corruption assessment of the COVID-19 vaccine organization. The Attorney General’s Office also received a request from three parliamentarians to initiate a pre-trial investigation into this and other cases.

The fact that vaccines are sometimes given to physicians in direct contact with coronavirus patients and in priority groups has been reported since late December, when Lithuania received the first batch of vaccine and began vaccination.

At a meeting of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee on Wednesday, its chairman, Antanas Matulas, stated that around 60 different medical complaints have been received about, in his opinion, disproportionately distributed vaccines.

According to data from the Statistics Department on Saturday, a total of almost 22,2 thousand people have already been vaccinated in Lithuania. people.
