The Kaunas resident followed the government’s recommendations on self-isolation, but was disappointed: he feared that he would have to live on loans for some time.


The young father (Delfi’s name is known) said that he had been working at the same workplace for over ten years and had only received a newsletter a couple of times a week during that time.

“If we add up all the vacations, we would not go out for 3 months, of which one month is paternity. Then December came, a work colleague found the virus. I tried to call the hotline, I don’t know if I called a few times, it was already around 5.30pm

It turned out that the NVSC (National Center for Public Health – Delfi) was no longer working. Nervous, I tried to fill out the electronic questionnaire, it didn’t work very well, but in this case the hotline helped. “

The man testified that he called his doctors, said he should isolate himself and, a couple of days later, received approval from the NVSC for the date of isolation and testing.

“On the last day of isolation, I received a message from the kindergarten that the educator was ill and confirmed that he had the virus. I did not take the child to kindergarten during my isolation, but counting the days since the last contact left, the child should be isolated for another week. I tried calling NVSC again to ask how to proceed, again to no avail, so this time I filled out the form myself. “

He said that in the evening he called his doctors, who organized the man’s paperwork for COVID-19 and confirmed that he should see the boy’s doctor.

“I called about the child, he told me about the situation. A day later, I received a message from the NVSC saying that it was necessary to isolate the child for the rest of the week and gave a date for the test. At the end of the isolation, we learned that the The educator was still ill, so we went back to the child’s doctor to take care of him.

Just as the government is already saying that parents who do not want to take their children to kindergarten will get sick, we were not too concerned that kindergarten was not working. The doctor said he hadn’t seen anything yet and would fill out the certificate when he received it from NVSC. We calmed down, we waited, two weeks passed, during which we had to call the doctors and the NVSC a couple more times (the NVSC, as always, did not respond) because the company’s accountant did not see any data and could not calculate salary “.

He learned that he would get nothing for two weeks.

According to the man, it was time to leave the child in kindergarten and he learned that during those two weeks while he was looking at the child, he would not get anything because the doctor not only did not see any data, but also did not fix the paper and could not give a retroactive bulletin.

Specifically, you can only issue “code 94”, that is, a certificate of care that Sodra does not pay for. In other words, it turns out that I can justify why I was not at work and will not receive money for two weeks of disability or childcare.

Since I was in solitary confinement before the child was isolated, it means that I will receive almost no income, forcing me to take out a loan to pay my taxes. Not a bad loss for trying to follow the government’s recommendations. But here my “odyssey” did not end when the boy’s temperature rose. “

The Kaunas resident said that he had applied to be admitted to a medical institution, but, fearing that the boy’s doctor would not confuse anything else, he asked to be referred to another doctor.

“We received a negative response because it was necessary to agree with both doctors, although the law requires otherwise. Not knowing what to do, we began to complain to the medical insurance funds and to the medical institution itself.

Fortunately, the complaints were heard by the doctor to whom we wanted to transcribe the child. What we couldn’t do in a few weeks because we tried to transcribe it from a previous doctor was resolved in a matter of minutes. “

The Kaunas resident followed the government's recommendations on self-isolation, but was disappointed: he feared that he would have to live on loans for some time.


© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The man summed up that despite being able to enjoy his own doctors and the boy’s doctors now, I still feel cheated, I just don’t understand who did it.

“The doctor, the NVSC or the government said that the children could not be taken to kindergarten during the quarantine. It has been more than 3 weeks since the end of the isolation and testing of the child, and the certificate is not yet available. And it is not clear how much I will have to borrow to cover the lack of funds in 2 weeks, “he said.

“The public is hostile to the NVSC”

NVSC has previously complained of an unbearable workload, so they are now being helped by volunteers. The Center has recently received much criticism from politicians for the quality of its work. On Tuesday, center director Robertas Petraitis commented at a specially organized press conference that people are hostile to the NVSC.

Delfi also wrote to the center asking why Kaunas residents might find themselves in such an unpleasant situation, as well as whether the increased workload causes many problems with the transfer of information to the responsible institutions, but has yet to receive a response. . The NVSC indicated that this story was not very clear to them, more precise details would be needed, but commented on how the order was working overall.

“It is difficult to assess this situation without knowing all the circumstances. In order to comment in detail, all the details would be needed when the exposure was established, if the child was identified as having had exposure, what actions were taken, and so on.

Regarding the NVSC’s overall work to isolate people who have been in contact with infected people, it is important to note that the NVSC prescribes isolation for people who have been identified as having a high-risk exposure in an epidemiological study conducted by a person infected with coronavirus.

If the child is identified as having had contact, parents receive an instant SMS from NVSC indicating the child’s initials, date of contact and period of isolation, indicating that a questionnaire must be completed stating that child care requires a certificate disability for a parent or guardian. When the parents do this, a certificate is automatically created for the medical institution in which the person is registered based on the data in the system.

A certificate of incapacity for work can be issued for the care of a child who has been in contact with an infected person for a period not to exceed 14 calendar days from the last day of contact ”, says the response.

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