Can Vytautas Landsbergis be recognized as head of state? Zinger: this is not in the plans


The resolution emphasizes the 1991 significance and importance of January 13 for the history of Lithuania. Professor V. Landsbergis is also briefly mentioned in the text as the then supervisor.

“The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, {…} also recalling the fact that Lithuania, headed by the President of the Supreme-Restorative Council Seimas Vytautas Landsbergis, won the historic victory {…} by assessing the importance of the 13 January 13th, Defenders of Freedom Day, for the country and the history of the world, {…} there is no doubt that it is convenient to declare January 13, Defenders of Freedom Day, the day of unemployment

Zinger resolution initiator: no further steps planned at Seimas

Conservative E. Zingeris, who registered the draft resolution, said it was a historic document, thanks to all the people of Lithuania, including V. Landsbergis. According to him, so far there are no intentions in the Seimas to recognize the status of V. Landsbergis as head of state.

“That line on V. Landsbergis is only 5 percent. All resolutions. It is about defending the judges who are being persecuted by the Russian Federation. It is thanks to the Scandinavian countries and America, who defended us at that time. There are many points there and one of them is the statement that then V. Landsbergis was the leader of Lithuania, the top official of Lithuania.

No further steps are planned at the Seimas. It is an assessment of history in which Professor V. Landsbergis takes his place, as in the ancient Sūjūdis, which he headed. The head of both the Sąjūdis and the Restorative Seimas was Professor V. Landsbergis, who was leading our fight for independence at the time. In response, at that moment came global recognition of our struggle. That fight was for all people, ”said E. Zinger.

According to E. Zinger, there are no plans in the Seimas to prepare a law document granting V. Landsbergis the status of head of state. However, he did not rule out that if at some point in his life the professor was evaluated in this way, it would be an evaluation of Lithuanian history.

“I was his partner at that time, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. I saw his successful leadership in Lithuania. At that time he was the leader of Lithuania, that’s a fact. It was in my eyes. In my opinion, at that time He was not only the leader of the Lithuanian liberation movement, as a former leader of the movement, but also the de facto leader of Lithuania.

That’s my opinion. I am not preparing another document at this time and, to my knowledge, none of us at the Seimas are preparing such a document. It is not in any future plans.

In my opinion, this man is old enough, sick enough. If it were evaluated in this way in the future, it would see no harm to Lithuania and the evaluation of Lithuanian history as it was at that time, ”said E. Zingeris.

The initiator of the resolution said that it is very good that people are discussing it, because with the proximity of January 13, the historical memory of society will be activated.

E. Zinger believes that the resolution “On the 30th anniversary of Defenders of Freedom Day” should be debated in the Seimas next Tuesday. He says it would be strange if the Seimas rejected it and did not honor the victims of January 13 and historical memory.

Emanuel zinger

Although the Seimas resolution is not a normative legal act, politicians often use it to express the opinions of Seimas members on one or another issue of public importance, thus emphasizing its importance.

Not everyone likes

E. Zinger’s Defenders of Freedom draft resolution received negative reactions as soon as it appeared.

Ramūnas Karbauskis, a former member of the Seimas and president of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union, describes the resolution as a simple attempt to make V. Landsbergis a head of state, although he was never elected president.

“It is forgotten that the Constitutional Court has stated clearly and unequivocally that” according to the Constitution, the legislator is not authorized to establish such legal regulation that denies the individual legal personality of the President of the Republic different from all other state officials and believes legal preconditions for equating another person. To the President of the Republic, the Head of State ”.

I have no doubt that such a decision by the rulers on January 13, which is important to all of us, will sink not only into the privatized oblivion of the conservatives at sea, but also into attempts to realize Landsberg’s dream and The men and women who barricaded themselves in the palace, who surrounded the most important objects of the State with their hands and hearts, remembered and thanked them, without dividing them by political opinions ”, writes R. Karbauskis.

Similar considerations have taken place in the past

The granting of the status of head of state to V. Landsbergis has been discussed above. The last time the proposal was presented was in 2017, but the Seimas did not achieve such a project.

Almost four years ago, the idea was raised by the former president of the Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis, and was also supported by the then Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis.

January 13 this year, vacations were also offered earlier. Conservatives Laurynas Kasčiūnas and Dainius Kreivys have registered the project to declare this day a day of unemployment by entering it into the Labor Code, then a similar proposal was made by Algimantas Dumbrava, a member of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union faction , and Dalia Asanavičiūtė, member of the Union of Christian Democrats of the Homeland-Lithuania.

The government has welcomed the proposal to declare January 13 as a non-working day.

On January 13, the victims of January 13, 1991, during the actions of the Soviet army in Vilnius, were honored.

The Soviets then attempted to overthrow the legitimate government of Lithuania by military force, which declared the country’s independence from the USSR on March 11, 1990. 14 people were killed when Soviet troops stormed the Vilnius TV tower and the building of the Radio and Television Committee.
