Trump supporters are rallying in Washington as Congress prepares to approve election results


Demonstrators gathered in Washington from various parts of the United States said they heard Trump call a meeting in the capital on Wednesday, when Congress is expected to confirm the election victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

“My commander invited me and my Lord and Savior told me,” said Debbie Lusk, 66, a former retired accountant from Seattle.

“Either we take back our country or it won’t be there,” he told AFP.

D. Trump confirmed that he will address the rally participants. On the social network Twitter, he urged his followers to “get there early.” His speech at a rally near the White House is scheduled for 11 a.m. (6 p.m. Lithuanian time).

Trump wrote on Twitter last month that his supporters should go to Washington, promising it would be a “stormy” day of protests.

Many of the buildings in the center of the capital have been lined with boards for fear of a possible new outbreak of violence after riots last year in the city in protests demanding racial justice.

Trump refuses to acknowledge defeat in the election and continues to make no evidence-based accusations that the results were falsified in the states where he lost to Biden by a small margin.

A chain of courts dismissed the Trump team’s complaints.

More than half of Republican voters believe Trump won, or are not sure who the winner is, according to a poll conducted last month by researchers at leading American universities, including Harvard.

A similar disturbance was felt among many of Trump’s supporters gathered in Freedom Square near the White House on Tuesday.

“We don’t trust the results of this election,” said Chris Thomas, 69, a retired former salesperson who wears a Trump campaign cap.

The woman told AFP that she came with an Oregon man because she “believes in American freedom” and wants to show her support for Trump’s economic policies, which helped her son’s wine refrigerator business flourish.

Roger Stone, Trump’s longtime adviser, and Michael Flynn, the president’s former national security adviser, addressed the meeting Tuesday. Both were convicted on allegations in connection with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether Trump’s election team had learned of Moscow.

The president recently granted grace to both.

Flynn warned members of Congress: “Those of you who feel weak tonight, who have no moral strength, hold on, because tomorrow we the people will be here and we want you to know that we will not support lies.

No masks

By noon, at least 300 supporters of D. Trump had gathered. Almost all were without masks, although they are mandatory in Washington.

Several in the audience said the media blew up a coronavirus pandemic that had already claimed more than 355,000 in the United States. lives, scale.

On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence will chair a joint meeting of the two houses of Congress to approve the results of the November 3 presidential election.

The approval of the results of the Electoral College vote in Congress is usually a process, but not this year. Trump is pressuring a loyal vice president not to acknowledge Biden’s victory, falsely claiming that Pence has the power to reject votes cast by the Democrat.

“We’d really be surprised if Pence didn’t support Trump,” Cap. Thomas.

Many protesters said they expected a surprise that would allow Trump to remain in the presidency after Biden’s inauguration on January 20.

“RE. Short definitely won. There is more than enough evidence,” said Matthew Woods of California, 59.

Also hailing from California, Anthony Lima said he is in Washington because he wants to see with his own eyes what is really happening.

“Many news agencies do not tell us the truth,” he said. “I’m willing to believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election, but I want an investigation.”

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