Winter Crypto Communism: Bitcoin’s Rally Could Mean Both New Bubble and Market Maturity | Deal


It may not have attracted public attention in 2013. The little bitcoin price bubble that took place in 2006, when the little-known currency rose to a “poor” $ 1,200. However, in 2017 many remember the fever. In the fall of that year, everyone was talking about a profitable new investment, but as the year progressed, its value plummeted, confirming the words of skeptics, saddening many enthusiasts and burning fortune seekers’ money. late.

Bitkoin made a strong comeback this fall; it’s true, it seemed like he hadn’t gone anywhere. After the aforementioned drop, reaching a point of $ 4,000, in 2019. in the spring it gradually began to climb to the top before surpassing the previous peak this year. January 7 exceeded 39 thousand. The limit of the US dollar.

2017 History is not yet forgotten, so bitcoin’s sudden crash on the market wouldn’t be very surprising. Due to price fluctuations, cryptocurrencies remain a risky investment, but some of the experts interviewed believe that the time has come for a fundamental change.

Lithuanian learned the lessons of bitcoin

Entrepreneur and investor Aurimas Levickas became interested in cryptocurrencies in 2017. at the beginning. Then during takeoff, he had invested a fifth of his wealth in the field, but learned many lessons during that time. You still have cryptocurrencies, but you no longer make active investments in this area and do not try to trade them. The share of crypto assets in his portfolio decreased to 5%, for A. Levickis it is more a part of a personal fund.

“It’s fun to see a rise in bitcoin, but it’s not my main investment. I cannot predict the behavior of the market, the price can go up one day and go down another. Since I cannot influence the price of bitcoin, I do not put a large amount of money in it, I do not want to invest with borrowed money. I invest in what I know about business and real estate; here I can, say, raise the rent or just work more successfully. ” 15 minutes he said.

After actively immersing himself in the new class of property a few years ago, the man said he made mistakes and learned from them.

Aurimas Levickas

Aurimas Levickas
