Protests in Washington have turned into riots: seriously injured woman announced, Short urges protesters to keep order


“Trump supporters have been embroiled in clashes with police in an attempt to get to the Capitol, where Congress is considering objections to Arizona’s electoral vote,” NBC said on a Twitter account. reports that a woman was shot and killed during the clashes, her condition is critical.

Acting President Donald Trump, on his Twitter account, urged protesters to follow the order, although he reportedly urged his supporters to choose to visit the Capitol in protest. According to, security has also been tightened at the White House.

An influential senator, Republican Ted Cruz, also responded to the protests, urging protesters to end the violence as soon as possible.

NBC television reported that a group of protesters stormed the Senate building. Vice President Mike Pence was evacuated from the compound.

According to CNN television, there have been reports that tear gas and incendiary grenades were fired during the clashes, but it is not yet clear whether these measures were used by officers or protesters.

As tear gas seeped into the Capitol Rotunda, members of Congress were asked to don gas masks.

Law enforcement officials have asked lawmakers to remove gas masks from under their seats as Trump supporters invade evacuated public spaces of the complex.

The fighting began shortly after Trump addressed thousands of his supporters, during which the president stormed the crowd, reiterating unsubstantiated allegations of manipulation of the Nov.3 election.

“We will not allow them to silence their voices,” Trump told protesters who had gathered before the lighting to take the best places to hear the president’s speech.

More than an hour after the fighting on Capitol Hill began, Trump called on his supporters to protest “peacefully.”

“Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement,” the president wrote on Twitter.

“They really are on our side of the country,” he added. “Keep calm!”

The protesters try to break through the police barriers that surround the Capitol building and the agents try to repel them. Hundreds of people, many of them holding flags and placards with slogans in support of D. Trump, are trying to break through the protection of the East.

Washington Police Evacuate Congressional Offices In Clashes With Trump Supporters

Capitol Police have instructed congressional staff to leave the Cannon Building and other large office buildings, urging Trump to protest against his supporters ahead of the current meeting of both houses of Congress to confirm the president-elect’s election victory. Joe Biden.

“I just evacuated my office in Cannon [pastate] on the threat to countries. Now we see protesters attacking the Capitol Police, ”House of Representatives Nancy Mace wrote on Twitter.

“It just came to our attention then. We are not like that.” My heart is broken today for our nation, “he added.

The United States Capitol building was closed after police confronted Trump supporters

The US Capitol building was closed on Wednesday when US lawmakers were trapped inside when a furious confrontation broke out in central Washington between supporters of President Donald Trump and police.

A warning was issued over loudspeakers on Capitol Hill that no one could leave or enter the compound due to an “external security threat.”

These riots erupted when members of both houses of Congress met to confirm the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. Legislators adjourned the session.

The clashes abroad take place in the same place where Mr. Biden should be inaugurated two weeks later.

The protesters broke through the metal barriers at the foot of the Capitol stairs and were confronted by riot control teams by the armed police. Some attempted to expel protected officers, and police were seen firing tear gas at the crowd to repel protesters. Some protesters shouted “Traitors!”

Additionally, Capitol Police reported a suspicious package found by the parties.

The fight began shortly after Trump’s appeal to thousands of his supporters, during which the president burst into the crowd, reiterating unsubstantiated allegations of manipulation of the November 3 election.

“We will not allow them to silence their voices,” Trump told protesters who had gathered before the lighting to take the best places to hear the president’s speech.

In Washington, curfews introduced over clashes between Trump supporters and police

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser introduced a curfew across the U.S. capital on Wednesday when angry supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol.

At the urging of Mr. Bowser, the curfew will go into effect at 6 pm local time (Thursday at 1 pm Lithuania), with thousands of protesters surrounding the headquarters of the United States Congress and forcing lawmakers to suspend a meeting that is expected to confirm the electoral victory of president-elect Joe Biden.

The curfew is valid until Thursday at 6 pm (1 pm).

In the U.S. House of Representatives, the police withdrew their weapons, forcing Trump supporters

Police guarding the U.S. House of Representatives withdrew their weapons Wednesday when angry supporters of President Donald Trump tried to break into the Capitol complex in Washington, a member of Congress said.

Representatives “Palace protection and Capitol police withdrew their weapons as protesters smashed the palace’s main gate,” wrote Dan Kildee, a congressman in the building, on Twitter.

“They told us to lie on the ground and put on our gas masks,” he added.

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