With a camper in Lithuania: 4 routes to the most beautiful places in the country


“The importance of motorhome travel has been growing for some time, but the coronavirus pandemic has revealed another advantage of caravans: traveling in private vehicles with family, friends, or a partner allows you to maintain social distance, so it can be considered a safer way to travel. In addition, air traffic flows are still disrupted and will not return to the pre-crisis level anytime soon, so a caravan trip can become an attractive option for foreign tourists looking for alternative ways traveling, “says Aušra Grikšaitė, Product Development Project Manager at Keliauk Lietuva.

Just over half of the Lithuanian camp guests in 2019 consisted of Lithuanians, 48 ​​percent. – foreign tourists. Most of the travelers usually come from Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and neighboring countries: Latvia, Poland and Estonia, so the routes will be presented not only in Lithuanian, but also in English and German.

Tourists are offered to visit Lesser Lithuania, Dzūkija, Aukštaitija or even all regions of Lithuania in a single car or caravan trip.

After western Lithuania: in the land of the three waters

The route through the region of Pomerania, the Lithuanian coast and Samogitia, which stretches for 620 km, will allow you to admire the most unique corners of Lithuania. The sand belt between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon, the Curonian Spit, is a UNESCO-protected peninsula, whose Lonely Planet beaches it has chosen as one of the most beautiful in Europe. Wind, water and sand reign here.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Holland hat

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Holland hat

Across the Curonian Lagoon is the Nemunas Delta, the largest river in Lithuania, where there are said to be more birds than people, and a bird migration route extends over Ventė Cape with a bird ring. Accompanied by wings, you will arrive in Samogitia, a region that has preserved the authenticity of culture, language, traditions and cuisine. He was the last to accept Christianity throughout Europe, so here you will find signs of paganism and the legacy of Baltic mythology. You can choose a motorhome stop on this route, both on the shore of the lagoon and on the coast. The journey around these edges can take 5 to 7 days.

You can find the map here.

After southern Lithuania: through three capitals

Vilnius, the temporary capital of Lithuania, Kaunas, the temporary capital, and Trakai, the historical capital, can be visited on this 470 km long route in southern Lithuania, known as the Dzūkija region, and admired Baroque architecture , the abundant church towers and urban green spaces. The highlight of Trakai is the castle from the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, built on the island of the lake and considered one of the most beautiful medieval castles in Europe. You can stay with a camper in the capitals or spas, 200 m away. promoting health traditions.

Photo by Giedrius Akelis / Trakai.

Photo by Giedrius Akelis / Trakai.

By the way, don’t be surprised if you travel along this route, you will notice that the tires on your caravan are adorned with balloons. The Lithuanian capital Vilnius is one of the few European capitals on which balloons are raised. Aviators also fly over Kaunas, Birštonas. 4-6 days should be sufficient for the trip.

You can find the map here.

After northern and eastern Lithuania: between lakes and mansions

Grab a slice of the Moon, walk through the treetops, watch a maze of old TVs, watch the old fish, taste the honey, try the baked bread or pancakes with freshly ground flour, inspect a sink that is has swallowed a cow, visit a nineteenth century. in life-giving mansions …

Luke April / 15min photo / Kirkilai karst lakes

Luke April / 15min photo / Kirkilai karst lakes

All these experiences await you after choosing the 690 km route in the Aukštaitija region in the northern and eastern part of Lithuania. This is the oldest Lithuanian national park with lakes and forests, where you can boldly stop to pick mushrooms, berries, search for herbs, or just try forest therapy. The route is especially suitable for those seeking peace in a nature sanctuary, for those who like to swim in the lake, and for those who are not afraid of a 5-7 day trip on four wheels.

You can find the map here.

Camper around Lithuania

Lithuania is a very compact country. The length of all its walls is less than 2 thousand. km, and the distance from a point in the north of the country to a point in the south can theoretically be covered in 3 hours. (276 km), from west to east, in approximately 4 hours. (373 km). The “Around Lithuania” route is intended for those who like challenges and want to know the country and its regions: Dzūkija, with its pine forests, rivers and sandy soil, Pamaris, the kingdom of birds and rivers, Wooded Samogitia, preserved authentic culture and traditions, and Lake Aukštaitija.

Panemunė Castle. Photography by Gytis Juodėnas, 2019.

Panemunė Castle. Photography by Gytis Juodėnas, 2019.

The sections of the route connect the most interesting places in the country: the three Lithuanian capitals, the most popular tourist centers, the largest Lithuanian island and the so-called “paradise path” along the largest Lithuanian river. The route is full of campgrounds and campgrounds in a wide variety of locations. If you choose this route, it will cover about 1400 km and the path will take up to 2 weeks.

You can find the map here.

The Travel in Lithuania team emphasizes that the routes can be tested not only by mobile home owners, but also by those who like to travel by car and camp in tents or small cabins.
