After seeing Čaplinskas at the meeting, Veryga requested Sodra


Therefore, A. Veryga states that he formally contacted Sodra on Wednesday, asking to assess whether a sick ULAC manager can regularly attend meetings, share interviews, and whether his incapacity for work is abused to avoid imminent dismissal.

“My comments in the Health Committee about one of the participants in the meeting went unanswered. I do not understand who Saulius Čaplinskas represented and how he was invited to participate in the meeting. I may be wrong, but to the best of my knowledge and belief, he was unable to work due to an illness that began immediately after his dismissal as a manager for multiple labor discipline violations, “wrote A. Veryga on his Facebook account.

“I only remind you that he was a leader who did not fulfill my duties as minister, he actively opposed the decisions of the then Government on institutional reform, etc.,” he added, noting that it was not clear if S. Chaplinskas was the head of ULAC at the meeting.

Assuming that S. Čaplinskas attended the meeting as director of ULAC, A. Veryga raises the question whether it is normal to attend meetings and represent the institution in case of incapacity for work.

But a much more serious question is whether it is normal to be present everywhere in case of related illness and disability, and even more so to represent the institution. And as I understand it, no one from ULAC attended the Health Committee meeting anymore. It seems that a sick and absent manager works where he wants. The colleague was an active participant in the discussions, and some comments resembled the health policy speeches more than the head of the institution, ”he said.

He also claims that he formally addressed Sodra on Wednesday with a request to assess whether S. Čaplinskas, who is unable to work, can continue to attend the meetings.

“Since no one responded to my comment, today I formally approached Sodra to assess whether a sick and incapacitated ULAC manager could attend meetings, share interviews regularly, etc. I also asked to evaluate whether there was abuse or fraud due to illness because, as I mentioned, it coincided with the processes of dismissal of the person in question, ”said A. Veryga.
ELTA recalls that former Minister of Health A. Veryga, at the end of his term, decided to remove S. Čaplinskas from the post of director of the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS.

According to the then minister, such a decision was made due to several violations of labor discipline and failure to perform duties.

However, S. Čaplinskas, who had run for the Seimas on the list of the Social Democratic Party in the last parliamentary elections, considered such a decision a political agreement. While AA was still a minister, S. Čaplinkskas was not formally fired due to his inability to work. However, A. Veryga later assured that due to the order already signed, S. Čaplinskas’ first business day after incapacity for work will also be ULAC’s last work day.

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