Logic Wrapped in Butter Paper – Business Beginnings


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

I want any state institution to follow both economic logic and common sense when making decisions when it comes to companies or citizens. Following the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS) launching a fight against Mao business owners, they are reluctant to question such abilities. In addition, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation and the Seimas had to add both content to the drama and a reminder of the drama of the absurd.

Companies, especially smaller ones, are suffering in Lithuania not only from the pandemic and the associated quarantine. I service the company that produces the nut cream, prohibits calling Butter Butter, because it misleads consumers.

The Maoji (MB) community, which bears his name, has been producing nut cream and halva for over a year. And now the SFVS, asleep until now or no longer needed, has detected a misrepresentation of the user. According to MB representatives, the SFVS received a complaint that the store’s email uses uraas rieut butter. Entrepreneurs have long replaced ura with cream in the package, but there was still some butter left on the Internet.

However, even if the service had not decided to advise small entrepreneurs, Kias claimed that the Butter Butter brand itself misleads customers. After all, when you see a nut cream, you might think it is … cow’s milk butter.

It’s hard to enjoy it, but entrepreneurs may need to change the name, logo, and more. The producers of cream rieut are obliged not to deceive the consumer before January 8 to replace the products that are already sold to them. If the aforementioned service does not rest, it may be necessary to suspend the activities of the company, which will require bankruptcy: changing merchandise will cost time and money, etc.

SFVS meta kozir: Your representatives claim that in 2017 the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that banning foods of plant origin is the appropriate terms for dairy products. It is also emphasized that the term dairy products cannot be used with foods of plant origin, that is, the Butter brand is not suitable for the labeling of a group of products of plant origin.

Without delving into the bureaucratic pitfalls, one would like to ask: where has SFVS existed for several years and what does the company logo have to do with misleading the consumer?

The Ministry of Economy and Innovation had to withdraw from the SFVS yesterday. Its head, Aurin Armonait, reminded the aforementioned service that over-regulation restricts the activities of the country’s companies and changes the competitiveness of goods and services. The authorities responsible for business should do everything possible to ensure that the requirements imposed on their operators (including the use of products) are reasoned, timely, logical, consistent and unambiguous. Therefore, taking into account the following facts, we ask the SFVS to verify the regulatory environment and propose the necessary modifications to the legislation, the Minister addresses.

Calls for urgent action to improve access to merchant activities: the SFVS to supplement its website with information on brands, in particular on food products of plant origin, applicable legal requirements and update the checklist. The problem of the prohibited brand has already been resolved and today the Seimas will consider it at the meeting of the Committee on Rural Affairs.

VMTV’s decision on the butter product MB Butter surprised and showed a completely insensitive and bureaucratic state institution for young business activities. The worst thing is that such decisions are taken under the guise of EU directives, says MP Andrius Vyniauskas, who will initiate the hearing.

In his opinion, in case of a misinterpretation of the directive, the Office also applies what applies to the product name to the brand.

On the other hand, the service also says that the Butter Butter company name can be used and even printed on the product packaging. In this way, the SFVS itself is not very confused about the possible additional precedent, as there are many companies and brands with similar name constructions, the MP surprises.

Skirmanta Balseviien, a senior attorney at iLAW law firm, believes the product will be salvaged.

It was simply said that Butter Butter misled the public, but no evidence was provided that the public had been misled, and no survey was conducted as to whether the brand misled consumers, he said. According to the lawyer, the EU regulation itself establishes that exceptions may apply if the name of the product is traditionally used. And not even the name, but the brand.

V remembers how, by then, the fight against tobacco had already approached absurdity by banning the sale of cosmetics or clothing under the Marlboro or Camel brands. The Department of Tobacco and Alcohol Control took over. I think the SFVS is now ready to run the apple bottle under the ax, there should be apples, butter paper, deep coffee, etc. In fact, business supervisors are fooling nonconsumers, giving up the fun by teasing the wheels of an already struggling business.

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