Tub: Billions of government in divisions are illegal


A. Kubilius, Member of the European Parliament (EP), reacted to the words of the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga on Facebook that there is a “very very high” probability that the quarantine will be lifted in mid-June. In his account, A. Kubilius recalled that rulers are illegally distributing billions in all directions.

“I have written more than once that this government will not lift the ’emergency’ until the elections and not because there are real threats or dangers, but simply because this government has decided that its emergency allows it to divide billions on the left.” and to the right for their own decisions, without observing the constitutional norms of preparation and modification of the budget, without requesting the approval of the Seimas, escaping from the binding conclusions of the budget of the Bank of Lithuania, the State Audit Office or the European Commission ” , wrote.

The politician joked that “sharing billions for unilateral decisions is a pleasure that the government, if it could, would keep us in a state of emergency forever.”

According to A. Kubilius, the division of the government’s billions is illegal.

“After reviewing the decisions made by the Government, it is easy to make sure that the Government has allocated more than 1,600 million euros of state borrowed funds through such non-budgetary decisions, most of which (more than 90% ) were earmarked for various economic / social projects. ” The connection of a large part of such projects to quarantine or emergency is small, less dubious or deserves serious discussion (for example, hundreds of millions of funds for road construction, school renovation, agriculture, etc.) “, A. Kubilius wrote on Facebook.

Ramūnas Karbauskis

Ramūnas Karbauskis

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The politician points out that there has been no discussion on the use of the funds.

“And without any rules, according to the principle, we give to those we love and we do not ask why we give to them and not to others. The government’s answer to the question” why? “Is unique and unique,” Why! “The MEP ironized.

He points out that these 1,600 million euros do not yet include the benefits of 200 euros for retirees, various benefits for children, proposals by President Gitan Nauseda and his team.

“If the billions split, in addition to not only budgetary principles, but also basic emergency management rules, is not like a waste of state property or a serious violation of the” public interest, “prosecutors should respond.” , said.

A. Kubilius recalls that modern rules of democracy and management of public finances were formed in the Middle Ages: you cannot spend the euro in a country without the consent of parliament.

“Why am I convinced that government actions in the allocation of billions are illegal? Because the Government, in its resolutions that allocate billions, cites only two or three legal reasons: the most important is that the Government has imposed a state of emergency; The second argument is that Article 13 of the 2020 Law on the State Budget stipulates that the Government and the Minister of Finance may, through their decisions, allocate state borrowed funds to “cover expenses related to the emergency response. , the elimination of its consequences and partial losses when the state reserve is insufficient and the government reserve funds will be paid “and the third argument is a reference to the” Plan of government measures to stimulate the impact of the spread of the economy and the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) “, A. Kubilius mentioned the arguments.

A. Kubilius stated that the second argument challenges him further: special funds for an emergency.

“Firstly, such provision was included in the budget law only to be able to finance without hindrance the needs of such emergencies, which are defined in place and over time: p. The collapse of Gediminas Hill or a tire fire in Alytus and this provision has nothing to do with the unlimited distribution of billions. Secondly, even if we consider that this provision allows the Government to distribute large sums of money in an emergency, to whom and what funds the Government can allocate during An emergency is determined by a special law that defines all matters of emergency response, management and financing.

Rima Baškienė, Saulius Skvernelis

Rima Baškienė, Saulius Skvernelis

© DELFI / Kiril Tchaikovsky

And only after calculating all the expenses necessary for the emergency situation in accordance with the procedure established in this law, can they be financed with state funds, ”taught A. Kubilius on Facebook.

Commenting on the Civil Protection Law that describes the emergency, the politician stated that both the damage suffered during the emergency is compensated and the support is provided according to the procedure established by the Government.

“The natural question arises: has the” procedure established by the Government “provided for in the law been approved and has it been followed these days in the allocation of billions borrowed by the state?

The answer to the first part of the question is clear: yes, such an order was established by a special government resolution in 2010, the answer to the second part of the question is also clear: no, the Government did not even comply with the Law. of Civil Protection nor with the Government approved procedures for compensation or assistance, “wrote the politician.

He recalled that the procedure provided detailed rules on how to complete requests for damages or assistance during an emergency, how they would be evaluated and how funds would be allocated thereafter.

“It just came to our attention then. They also didn’t change. No other procedure has been put in place to define the financing of the damage, support or reparation caused by this (quarantine) emergency. Therefore, it is obvious that the government distributed billions illegally, even without following the procedure established by the government itself, “wrote the politician on Facebook.

“The goal cannot justify measures”: This has long been understood by Western civilization, because choosing a “facilitated” path to a “good goal” quickly leads from the administration of a “operations manager” to the administration of a “dozen” or “Führer”, – images A Veryga described A. Kubilius.

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