Seimas asks the Government to allow the resumption of the activities of small businesses Business


On Tuesday, the Seimas adopted a corresponding resolution initiated by the “peasants” – 90 votes in favor, Matas Maldeikis, the only conservative, against and 27 deputies abstained.

According to Laima Mogenienė, a “peasant”, the resolution is necessary to make it clear to small businesses that Seimas cares that the fragility of the small business situation must be taken into account in any of the toughest conditions in the state.

Some members of the Seimas argued that such a resolution was simply “shaking the air” and had no real impact on the economy, politics or specific actions of the government.

According to Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė from Darbietė, the resolution expresses the position and support of various companies: “We can drive the change of the Government’s resolution and create the conditions for a wider group of people to work.”

The resolution emphasizes that government decisions in mid-December on the management of COVID-19 make it significantly more difficult for small businesses to operate, while large retailers are still allowed to market not just essential food products.
