What would be the first steps in the relaxation of the quarantine: we can expect a change in the spring


“The main differences are the level of restrictions. Now we live in Scenario D, we see that our movement, communication is restricted, while Scenario C would allow communication between several households, our social contacts would become stronger. In addition, in the educational institutions of pre-school, surely greater reserves would be allowed ”, said the teacher in the program.

When asked what the first steps for the relaxation of the quarantine would look like, the interviewee assured that in the future, security requirements should be followed as closely as possible and people should be evaluated more frequently, even at work.

We have many discussions in the council on business and our recommendations will be published in the Government in the near future, because we understand that business cannot be stopped, so it is important to ensure protection, which means that testing is very important. If we are sure that the people who work and come into contact, regardless of the field, are healthy, we use safeguards, of course, that business can work.

I think if we can implement a system in the near future where people who come to work are tested frequently, and we can use rapid tests here, those tests are easier to do, we believe that testing can be done in the workplace, then some areas can start with more freedom. function ”, assures the woman.

When will we live like before?

When asked when we can expect to be able to remove our masks at least outside, the interlocutor of the program assured that it is too early to talk about it.

What would be the first steps in the relaxation of the quarantine: we can expect a change in the spring

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“It just came to our notice then. Of course, if we walk alone in the woods, the mask doesn’t make sense, but now we don’t want to spread the news that it is not necessary to wear the mask outdoors because the countryside is something very relative. If we walk in the forest or even in a park, where there are many people, where an athlete passes by, who breathes in our faces, then we need a mask outside ”, says the teacher.

According to her, so far this month of January it is difficult, but little by little little positive signs are being seen.

“We can see from the experience of practically every year that our progonoses do not always turn out to be true, it depends on many factors. One thing is that more and more people get sick, another thing is vaccines. The third is the seasonality of the virus, because in the cold months the virus spreads more, so seeing such a timid and positive change is very complicated and I am afraid that we cannot expect a change in our lives in January ”, says R. Kalėdienė.

4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


4 quarantine scenarios.

4 quarantine scenarios.


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