Skuodis: the transport sector faces great challenges


On Tuesday, the minister discussed remotely with the leaders of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) about the most sensitive issues currently in the transport and logistics sector.

“The transport and logistics sector, which represents 12%. GDP is significant for our country, but currently the entire sector is facing significant challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, certain conditions of the EU “Mobility Package” that are not beneficial for Lithuania and the geopolitical situation in general.

I also see long-standing problems with bandwidth at the border. What we have to do is agree with the social partners on a clear vision for the development of the sector. Only in this way will we be able to harness the potential of Lithuania, ”M. Skuodis is quoted in the report.

Romas Austinskas, President of the Lithuanian Linava Carriers Association, emphasized that for many years the former leaders in the Eastern and Western European markets, carriers are currently experiencing uneven competitiveness due to the unfavorable “Mobility Package” for Lithuania, the difficult trade conditions in Lithuania. Carriers with branches in Poland or Germany are considering relocating their business to other countries.

At the meeting, it was stated that during the COVID-19 pandemic alone, 4,000 trucks “moved” from Lithuania to Poland, because the scale of competitive conditions was reduced in favor of this neighboring country.

As a result, Lithuania lost billions of euros in revenue. Therefore, important help and support to the sector by compensation of interests, already in summer, passenger transport companies may lack income to pay salaries to employees, ”says the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Attention was also paid to the possibilities of working in a coordinated manner so that there are no more tug lines on the border between Belarus and Lithuania.

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