Direct: comments after the meeting of Nausėda and Dulkis


“On Tuesday, the president will discuss with the Minister of Health the preparation of a pandemic management plan, the strengthening of the pandemic management capacity, the vaccination strategy and the strengthening of the activities of the hospitals,” he said. spokesperson Antanas Bubnelis to BNS.

Health Minister A. Dulkys announced on Monday that the priorities of how to vaccinate against COVID-19 have already been completed.

“Today, we have finished setting priorities with the Board of Experts and we plan to present them. There they will see the whole sequence, starting with the medical community and ending with all the other groups, “he said in the study of the news portal

According to him, after the elaboration of this plan, there will be vaccines and fluid logistical and organizational measures.

The first vaccinated doctors working with COVID-19 patients in Lithuania. Earlier it was announced that increased vaccination is planned for all hospital staff, as well as ambulance personnel and high-risk patients. Subsequently, it is planned to vaccinate doctors working in mobile points, fever clinics, residents and employees of nursing and assistance institutions.

It is unlikely that vaccination of the world population will begin in the first quarter of this year.
