Who lines up at the grant starting line and how to match


Vladimir Ivanovo (VŽ) nuotr.

In January, companies should receive the first subsidy due to the second hit of COVID-19. Companies are urged to file financial statements now, but companies are hinting that the money will be paid quickly – those who can.

The calculation period for the decrease in billing has been adjusted.

It has been decided that medium-sized companies with more than 250 employees will also be paid and that the calls for proposals will be launched in two stages. This time, the grant application and payment procedures will be different from those applied after the first quarantine, when the grants were received by micro-enterprises. So far, the concept of the measure has been approved.

According to VŽ, the State Tax Inspection (MVI) will be ready to accept applications from companies within 5 business days from the effective date of the description of the measure. It is true that this will be the first call for autonomous companies to apply for subsidies.

The companies participating in the second call will apply in the Electronic Declaration System (EDS). The draft submitted to the government foresees the need to further develop the application process through the EDS. This time, contrary to the first wave of the pandemic, the STI will not issue invitations to complete applications sent to eligible companies.

“The sending of individual invitations or lists of publications is not provided. All companies that meet the established criteria will be able to apply. Independent companies, as usual, will submit an application through My STI. Related companies, companies with links with other companies, they will present the declaration through the EDS. Currently, the declaration is being prepared, it will be done on time, “said STI.

Grants and soft loans are part of the first phase of business assistance for the second wave of COVID-19. It is also planned to introduce new aid measures for particularly affected companies in the near future.

You can get more employees

On the eve of the new ones, the government approved a revised concept for the grant measure. The subsidy measure for small and medium-sized companies will also be open to companies with more than 250 employees, but according to other criteria they are medium: income in 2019 did not exceed 50 million. EUR or book value of assets in 2019. December 31 did not exceed 43 million. EUR.

The period for calculating the contraction in turnover has also been modified. The grants will be available to companies whose annual turnover has fallen by at least 30%. from 2020 November 1 to 2021 January 31, 2010 compared to the corresponding period 2019-2020. period. If companies have been suspended due to the pandemic since December, the revenue decline period is calculated from 2020. December 1 to 2021 January 31

Two grant calls are scheduled to be posted on the STI website.

The first will be for autonomous companies, through which 50 million will be paid. European grants. The second is for non-autonomous companies related to other entities, then 100 million will be distributed. European grants.

It is expected that the companies of the first call will receive the subsidy within 2 weeks after submitting the application, the second group, within a month. These last companies linked to other entities will have to present more documents.

The Ministry of Economy and Innovation (EIM) is also urging companies to submit financial reporting documents to the Registration Center as soon as possible to determine if they are in distress.

Those who apply first will receive

VŽ wrote that representatives of the small ones fear that expanding the list of beneficiaries – including companies with more than 250 employees – will reduce the opportunities to receive the subsidy, so that some small ones will not be able to apply for the benefit paid last year.

Dalia Matukienė, president of the Council of Small and Medium Enterprises, says that such a decision reduces the opportunities for small businesses to receive a subsidy. 150 million More companies will have to distribute the amount of subsidies in euros, which will reduce the opportunities that small ones receive them.

“There were two stages to grant subsidies, first for very small, small and new 2019. start-ups, but difficult since the amount allocated is 150 million euros. EUR. As the maximum possible amount of the subsidy is 800,000 euros Although several companies receive it, those few will accept it. But this is not surprising for us, a small company, it is not the first time, says D. Matukienė. “The small companies have closed and the larger ones will now receive support.

The EIM anticipates the risk that the grant will be awarded to those who apply in advance.

The draft grant concept submitted to the Government states that due to the limited budget, companies must also be informed that the amounts may not be sufficient for all potential applicants.

“As a result, companies that have previously applied will be eligible for grants and the call will be suspended at the end of the call,” according to a draft submitted to the government last week.

It is planned to disburse 150 million euros in both calls for grants. EUR. The amount of a grant is between 500 and 800,000 EUR.

By comparison, grants paid to micro-enterprises (up to 9 employees) this year range from € 377 to € 89,000, the average grant is € 2,710.

How to pay for grants

According to the Government, the subsidy scheme would look like this: the company submits the subsidy application in the “My STI” and EDS system. The STI then carries out the selection and evaluation of the candidates together with the Lithuanian Business Support Agency (LVPA), and the Competition Council provides the necessary information for the evaluation. The STI, having received the information from the EIM, sends a notification to the applicant through My STI and informs about the decision to grant financing.

In this sequence, the EIM will make a decision on the award of the grant within 3 days and send the information to the LVPA, STI and the National General Functions Center (NBFC) without delay, no later than within 1 business day from the entry into force of the order. NFBC will also transfer the grant to the applicant’s account without delay, no later than 3 business days from the effective date of the grant order.

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