Found Last Year’s “COVID-19 Plan” – Saw Future Pandemic in A.Veryga Routine Order


Commenters suggested reading more carefully

“It is said that this pandemic hit unexpectedly, so the Lithuanian authorities were not prepared,” shouted the hematologist doctor Eduardas Vaitkus on his Facebook account of the social network a couple of days ago. – Read this order from A.Veryga – 2019 was prepared for PANDEMIC. in the middle. Was it unexpected or not? Were you prepared for a viral pandemic through the respiratory tract or not?

The doctor illustrated his words with the order of the then Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, on preparing for an influenza pandemic in 2019-2023. a copy of the program approval.

Facebook Photo / Flu Document Becomes COVID-19 Pandemic Plan

Facebook Photo / Flu Document Becomes COVID-19 Pandemic Plan

E.Vaitkus, who presents himself as a “LITHUANIAN citizen, doctor, hab. medicine Dr., long-time university professor, prof. people.

The doctor’s “discovery” appears to have confirmed the fears of many commentators. “All filming is planned from 2013”, “Butent, the modification of the laws was made to adapt to this particular situation.” We will follow other changes and we will know what awaits us in the future ”,“ Veryga is here? 2011 has already been confirmed in Geneva and has been in the works ever since. ”“ It was immediately clear that the flu had changed its name. To make it more scary, “” Dear Professor: You are an anti-corruption manufacturer in the medical field, why don’t you mention that cvvid10987 was patented as a business plan in 2012? “

However, several commenters suggested digging deeper into the document (which is meant to control the flu, not the COVID-19 pandemic, that we have flu outbreaks every year and that they need to be prepared). Some began to share similar commandments from previous years.

“Just to see if you’ve heard about the pandemic since 2019 and not since 2008,” one man asked rhetorically, attaching a copy of a similar order from a decade ago signed by then-Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas. And I got the answer: “They (not the LT fins) have been planning this for 30 years, but they haven’t burned that well in the past …”

Photo from Facebook / People started sharing the post without delving into the subject of the document

Photo from Facebook / People started sharing the post without delving into the subject of the document

According to one commentator, “The whole scene is mirrored in the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony. It transfers even more to real life … Everyone knew and did everything. “The whole opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which not only took me to an idyllic British village with sheep, horses, cows, goats, chickens, geese and dogs, but I was also amazed by the parachute jump from Queen Bond’s helicopter, played by Queen Elizabeth II.

An even more detailed analysis of the same order of A.Veryga that this year’s pandemic was planned for was posted on Facebook a few months ago. Cannot be found anymore: Post has been removed as a liar.

Previous experience forces you to prepare

Last July, A. Veryga signed an order to prepare for an influenza pandemic in 2019-2023. The document was prepared in accordance with the Law on Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases of Human Beings, as well as the Communication of the European Commission and the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The program approved by the Minister is a “short-term strategic planning document that establishes the stages of an influenza pandemic, the objective and preparatory measures for an influenza pandemic, as well as the criteria to evaluate the implementation of the Program” . Its aim is to reduce the scale and severity of the influenza pandemic in Lithuania.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

The document identifies the areas most affected by an influenza pandemic (health, services, education and culture, social sectors, labor market and economy, public administration). Influenza and acute infections of the upper respiratory tract are among the most contagious diseases in terms of social importance, damage to the health of the population and economic losses. During normal flu season, 5 to 10 percent get sick. population, most often children. An average of 40 thousand people register in Lithuania every year. flu and 600 thousand. cases of acute infection of the upper respiratory tract.

The onset of a pandemic is due to the emergence, spread between humans, and the high virulence (ability to cause severe illness) of a new subtype of influenza virus that was previously rare in humans. Pandemic influenza virus usually occurs suddenly, with morbidity peaking in 2-3 weeks, reaching as high as 50 percent. populations (up to 80% of people at risk). That is why similar documents are being prepared.

An influenza pandemic can occur every 10 to 50 years. due to a subtype of the virus to which the population has no immunity. 20th century. There were 4 influenza pandemics in the early 19th century: 1918-1920. – Spanish (more than 20 million people died), 1957-1958. – Asia (more than 1 million people died), 1968-1969 – Hong Kong (more than 1 million people died), 2009-2010 – the new ones, also called birds (up to 400 thousand people died). The recent pandemic has made it possible to evaluate national preparedness plans, and several states and organizations have updated their preparedness and response planning.

The order then provides information about flu vaccines and hospitalizations, how long it would take to develop the vaccines, and what steps to take in the event of a pandemic. Finally, it establishes the specific measures to be taken in the different stages (between influenza seasons, detection of a new subtype of influenza virus, appearance of a pandemic and its containment).

Similar documents have been produced almost annually to prepare for an influenza pandemic since at least 2005

Although the routes of transmission and symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, the viruses that cause these infections are very different, so not all “pandemic plan” measures would be appropriate for the now debilitating coronavirus. Available information suggests that the transmission mechanism of the coronavirus is more similar to SARS or pandemic influenza than to seasonal influenza, as humans have never been exposed to this infection before. According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), around 40,000 people die each year on the continent from influenza and its complications. people.

The post was prepared in 15 minutes. in collaboration with Facebook, which aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
