When you see the trained body of Orinta, you would not even suspect that she is a mother of 4 children: I want to show that it is possible to reconcile everything


– Tell us about yourself: where do you live, how many children do you raise, what do you do?

– I have lived in Dublin, Ireland for 14 years. I am raising 4 children: 8 year old twins, a 4 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I am a consultant and nutrition trainer, I work from home when raising children, I make nutrition plans, training programs, make recipes and record workouts at home.

– Tell me, how did you find yourself in Ireland? Perhaps love led him to leave Lithuania?

– My love went to Ireland with me. We met my husband in the 11th grade and after we graduated from high school, we had a plan to go out, earn a living, and study. We were both from low-income families, so we had to fight in some way. When we arrived, we settled in and we have been living for 15 years without thinking of going back.

– How did sport come into your life?

– I was a long-distance runner in Lithuania, I played sports for several years, but when we went to Ireland, my sports career ended. I graduated in Ireland while waiting for my firstborn. I started studying and then I got pregnant. I wanted to show other mothers that it is possible to raise children, study and take care of themselves. It’s true that I didn’t know there would be twins because it was a much bigger challenge.

– Are there many children in Aria? Are you surprised to have so many children?

– Normal. A large family is supported here with five children. There are many such families, but I get more amazing because of my age. I am 33 years old and I already have four children. I often get questions about whether my kids are here or if I’m just their babysitter, especially when I’m wearing high heels.

– And when is it customary to have children?

– There are two age groups, whether they are very young, university or recent graduates, or those traditional people who take care of their careers, their homes, their weddings first, and when they are over thirty, they think of children. There is much to see in families where parents or grandparents do not understand either.

– And what about education, is there a big difference between the education of Irish and Lithuanian children?

– It is difficult to compare, because we do not follow any of the principles of education, we have ours. The Irish can see things much more easily. If, say, a child is two years old and still walks around in diapers or a pacifier, no one will see him and make fun of him. In Lithuania, in that case, you would already be the worst mother. Here there is no pressure from the environment, there is no rivalry between parents whose child is the previous one. The Irish themselves tend to justify themselves for everything because they have children. You may not always agree with that, but here in their lives, everyone does what they want.

– What rules do you follow at home?

– First of all, everyone eats the same food. Many moms prepare healthy foods for themselves and give anything to their children and their husband. This is not the case with our family. Since they were born, our children have become used to having only healthy foods on the table at home. Another rule: we do not give children tablets or phones, or screens from birth. It encourages us to do more with them, go to nature, play sports. Children have their own ideas about what to do: rollerblades, traps, skateboards. They are not sitting in front of screens.

– Your body looks awesome. How was this result achieved after delivery?

– Thanks for the compliment. It’s no secret: regular sports and nutritional care are the key to a healthy body and well-being.

– How much work and time did it take? How many times a week do you exercise?

– I have practiced sports for 8 years, since the twins were born. The breaks were very short after a few weeks until I recovered after giving birth. As much as I felt, I also exercised during my pregnancy. There was a time when I participated in fitness competitions and played many sports, 6 to 7 times a week. Now I exercise 2-4 times a week when I’m in the mood for it.

Be a mom, be in shape

Be a mom, be in shape

© Personal album

– What kind of training is this?

– I’m for diversity, for the pleasure of sport. In one workout I can run cross country, in the other I can do a hard HIIT workout, and in the third I can lift weights. Also, I am currently starting to learn shuffle dance, I also like to mention cycling or skating, I also do not avoid TRX workouts.

– How do you manage to find time for sports when there are four children running?

– Children from birth are used to seeing me in sports. For them, it is the same show that I do to eat or get milk at home. I know that most mothers “excuse” (or) “complain” that children get on their heads when they start exercising. I agree and would run to see what my mom does there again. Bottom Line: You need to exercise more often and you will get bored of children. There were days when the kids were in a bad mood, then I would work out when they slept at lunch, or when they fell asleep in the afternoon or early morning.

– What problems do other mothers usually pose you?

– The only problem is being overweight or overweight postpartum. Most mothers are completely crazy with themselves when a child is born. When it comes to raising a child, it is practically impossible to avoid lack of sleep, which causes fatigue and turn to fast, unhealthy foods, and where there is still a lack of physical activity (running after children is not a sport). The vicious cycle… Often the mother suffers from depression, underestimates herself, feels constantly tired, is in a bad mood, begins to have health problems and fades into family relationships.

Be a mom, be in shape

Be a mom, be in shape

© Personal album

– Do the Irish tend to take care of themselves?

– The vast majority of the Irish: not much, there is a fairly high percentage of obese people here. There are many plump women. On the other hand, not only Irish live here, there are also people of other nationalities who promote unhealthy lifestyles.

– Who do you usually attract?

– Mostly I am approached by Lithuanian mothers. So far I only work with them

– What mistakes do they usually make to regain their previous forms as a carpet after childbirth?

– The most common mistake: rejecting food in incredibly small quantities. You won’t lose weight if you starve or eat too little! On the contrary, it will grow. Another mistake is volatility and the search for different single product diets. Today, just eggs, tomorrow, just buckwheat, and the next day, all in a row … You will only lose weight if you eat enough, in a balanced and regular way.

– How much did you earn during your pregnancy?

– In the first – 15 kg, in the next two – 17 kg each.

– Is sports just after childbirth really enough to have a perfect body?

– Neither in childbirth nor in childbirth, sport alone is enough to have a healthy and resistant body. The basis is nutrition and only then, sport.

– What do you think of cosmetic surgery? Would you decide it yourself?

– I’m agree. After the first two births, he was already sure that he would. The need disappeared after the last birth. However, I do not rule out the possibility because I have a considerable diastase (division of the abdominal muscles).

Be a mom, be in shape

Be a mom, be in shape

© Personal album

– What are you not allowing yourself? What did he have to give up?

– I allow absolutely everything, in moderation and at the right time.

– What about nutrition? Do you follow her very closely?

– I eat healthy food every day, not sugar, flour, fast food, fatty sauces, etc. But in the guests, in the trips, I eat everything I want.

– How has the body in general changed after delivery?

– After each birth, the body looked different. After the first time I participated in a fitness competition, I had a very muscular body. After other deliveries, I exercised for comfort, not muscle. The current form is the most beloved.

– Did you mention that you do not plan to return to Lithuania, or perhaps you are considering the fifth child?

– Certainly not. Four is enough. At the birth of the third, I didn’t notice a big difference, but when the fourth was born, the challenges were not lacking. First of all, because the ages of the children differed, so did both their free time and their groups. I take them to the club, wait with two kids outside for two hours outside. Also, it is difficult to reconcile your favorite activities. Let’s say we really like to climb mountains, but our little one doesn’t like sitting in a maternity ward, so we have to give up or leave him with a babysitter.

– Do you find time just for yourself and your husband?

– We always find. Sure, it costs a lot, but we found it. Time together is a must. All the kids go to bed at eight and eight is our time.

– You mentioned that your little one went to kindergarten in August when he was two years old. When do children usually go to kindergarten in Ireland?

– Paid maternity leave lasts only six months, with an additional 16 weeks of unpaid leave. But when the child reaches 10 months, he must return to work or become unemployed. When our third child was born, I quit my official job. Our little Luna is the first girl to go to kindergarten, everyone else did not attend. For a couple of months the conscience of having expelled the child from home pained me. But now I see progress. With four children, you can’t deal with all of them. Schools, housework, circles, the smallest child is the one who simply travels everywhere together.

– What plans do you have for your blog?

– There are plans, I want to expand, I want to do video training, I want to write cookbooks. Maybe when I say these plans out loud, I’ll start implementing them sooner.

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