Dundulis on threats to trade: supply of goods begins to stagnate, many asymptomatic cases are found


When 5 employees at the Šilalė slaughterhouse, where a quarter of the pork on the Lithuanian market is produced, were diagnosed with the coronavirus in October, 20 people had to isolate themselves and the company was threatened, and it was not clear what to do with the spies .

“The tests are very difficult to achieve in Lithuania. I can share my personal experience when my son got sick in Latvia in August, it was very easy to do the tests there. When we faced the disease in our companies, we saw that it was much more difficult. carry out tests with us ”, says D. Dundulis.

At the end of October, people fell ill at the Šilalė slaughterhouse, which employs 120 people. According to the rules, those around them had to isolate themselves.

“If the slaughterhouse had been stopped, there would have been a shortage of fresh meat in Lithuania and the market itself would have changed. We were somewhat saved by the fact that some of the sick were not in the company for more than a week because they were on vacation. We wrote a letter to the Ministry of Health to help investigate the workers, as there will be problems in the market. We have not received a response since November until now. We do not publish more about what was happening, because there could be panic and meat prices could rise, ”says the head of Norfa.

Dundulis says the main request is simply to help investigate workers en masse to get a full picture of what’s going on. We managed to find a private laboratory that agreed to do this work.

On November 12, all employees were examined. Found 35 asymptomatic cases. A week later, the study was repeated. All those who did not get sick were examined. Found 9 asymptomatic. The third study again a week later. Found 3 asymptomatic. There were no asymptomatic patients a fourth time, and one was found after the fifth study. The sixth poll will be this week.

“After this incident, we rigorously vet all employees in the production units every week or two. The seller is massively investigating if someone gets sick. It is interesting that in the shops it is much less sick than in the production units and less than the Lithuanian average. Because I do not know. The butcher figures were perishable. Two out of every 400 asymptomatic people were found in the warehouses before Christmas ”, says D. Dundulis and says that it is necessary to initiate a massive investigation of all the people, because there are too many cases of asymptomatic cases.

As you may be considering, you may even need to introduce a tool for companies to test their employees for some time.

The company has already spent hundreds of thousands of euros on research. Quick judges are already in use. If the result is positive, the test is repeated in medical facilities.

“Even Lithuania cannot buy state-level exams so that there are enough and they can study en masse. I agree with the order that the employees of the company meet on Monday, take exams and cannot go to work without him. The tests would be much cheaper than paying disability benefits when the infection spreads. The state could help businesses. If it weren’t for the private companies doing the tests, I can safely say that some of Norfa’s stores would have been closed for Christmas because the production units had stopped, ”says D. Dundulis and admits that some suppliers no longer they transport the agreed amounts because I no longer have working people. Sick on a large scale.

There are rumors that some companies are even afraid to test employees so that the true scale is not clarified and there is no need to close for a while.

It was difficult to organize the same butcher activities when the illnesses began. According to current procedure, if people need to isolate themselves, they are tested for three days so they don’t get sick. Then the test is repeated. And so it is constantly repeated.

The employer also recalls a case in which a person became ill, was treated at home, when the certificate of incapacity for work expired, came to work and a couple of hours later called from the controlling institution that the test result was positive, There was an error. There was an outbreak of the disease in the company.

Across the Norfos system, it employs more than 4,000 people. people, already made up to 6 thousand. tests. Efforts were made to test each employee at least once. D. Dundulis himself tested twice only with his company.

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