Uspaskich on the distribution of his water reportedly announced to Labor Party voters: “Wrong”


Last week, social media was shaken by the structured water announced by MEP Viktor Uspaskich. On his social media account, the politician said that the special water supposedly protects against the coronavirus better than a vaccine.

Experts instantly criticized that statement by a politician, but there is still talk of water.

V. Uspaskich

Supposedly shares structured water

A mystical advertisement appeared on billboards in the Nevarėnai nursing home last week. You are invited to come and collect the structured water announced by V. Uspaskich, which protects and treats COVID-19.

“Dear non-residents:

in December of this year. 31 d. 10 a. M. In the House of Culture, 84 residents of the Nevarėnai Elderhood who voted for the Labor Party in the Seimas elections will receive anti-pesticide water in vain. This water not only protects against COVID-19 but also cures it. Take an identity document with you and pour water into the container.

Your Victor ”, is written on the notice boards of the elderly.

Encourage residents not to be fooled

Justas Dapkus, an elder from Nevarėnai, says he first heard about the announcement. Although more than four days have passed since the promised date for the distribution of the water, the news about it only reached the elderly when journalists called.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Only from television, from radio to hear that somewhere in this water [parduoda]but nothing is more certain. I personally don’t believe that, and it wasn’t even recorded before it was sold, I don’t know, there was no signal ”, says J. Dapkus.

The village elder advises residents not to be fooled and to respond critically to similar announcements in the future.

“I would recommend to everyone that they appeal to their conscience, first to common sense. Trust something too, but it doesn’t. And that there is no poison is probably also a fact, let’s drink for myself, but I would suggest it personally, if someone contacts me personally, that they simply not pay attention, ”says J. Dapkus.

The Nevarėnai “Ratas” community confirms that such an advertisement was actually on the billboards in the city, but had already been withdrawn on Monday morning.

Water at home

The ad was not written

An attempt was made to mock the ad in Nevarėnai, apparently, because V. Uspaskich MEP, who has become the advertising face for water, denies writing the ad.

“It just came to our notice then. I’d like to ask you to say that this water doesn’t go into any retail chain anyway. It’s structured. That simple mineral is included, but structured is not included because we really don’t want to be a provocation. We give from hand to hand, no intermediary should be in this place yet ”, says V. Uspaskich.

Viktor Uspaskich

Has received strong criticism

The portal recalls that V. Uspaskich said during a live broadcast on his social networks that he found a product that was supposedly equivalent to COVID-19 vaccines: structured water.

The video soon spread, and professionals began harshly criticizing the product.

“I find it difficult for a member of the European Parliament to be misled into suggesting treatments like boosting immunity or curing people with coronavirus. This is simply medically impossible to explain. I think this is on the verge of serious conversation,” said Antanas Matulas , a member of Seimas, to a week ago.

Member of the Seimas called the water announced by V. Uspaskich a conversation.

“Attempts to charge the water with a magnet or to consecrate it, to bless it with some kind of healing, have not been confirmed at all. All the more so since it is not clear from Uspaskich’s comment how he produces this water, which has become “curative and strengthens immunity.”

This cannot be scientifically substantiated. Mr. Uspaskich, I believe, was speaking. One should take some responsibility. <...> At this stage, misleading people, even referring to distributors, is just … well, balancing rumors and crime, ”said A. Matulas.

Specialists from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) were also outraged.

“We are unequivocally negative about every statement that completely denies science, especially in the current situation, when we have such a large number of COVID-19 cases,” NVSC spokeswoman Justina Petravičienė told BNS previously.

Experts emphasized that water can in no way protect against the virus.

“We hear from doctors, scientists, that the vaccine is the only way out of the quarantine regime, and we hope and ask everyone to publish information based on science and evidence,” he said.

Vytautas Kasiulevičius, vice dean of the Vilnius University Medical Faculty, called this product “nonsense that does not help to improve the situation.”

“Some people are exposed to all this and many people will believe it. There are voters, fans, supporters, of course, there is a public relations campaign and everything,” V. Kasiulevičius told BNS.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 147,997 people have been infected with the coronavirus in Lithuania and almost 2,000 have died. During the previous day, 1,361 new cases of infection were identified, 25 people died.
