The renowned physiotherapist S.Tacas shared breathing exercises that can help in the face of COVID-19 | Lifetime


Do nothing under duress

S.Taco’s methodology is primarily based on friendship with your body, doing nothing through coercion. According to him, it is not absolutely necessary for good health that our body is so trained that it can easily jump to a height of 2.20 meters, do a rope or run 100 meters in 10 seconds. But it is necessary to move.

“Now that we are locked in small spaces due to circumstances and cannot move much, our body is increasingly disturbed. But in the 50 years of my work, I have also seen many exercises that we can do in a small space. For our body to feel good, it is not necessary to play basketball or run. You can move anything by acting, even brushing your teeth or just sitting. Remind young children that they move all the time. We can only be healthy when our body is balanced and needs to move ”, assured the interlocutor.

Photo by I. Liutkevičienė / Samuel Tacas

Photo by I. Liutkevičienė / Samuel Tacas

According to him, the most important thing today is to strengthen the airways to improve their function, because the coronavirus usually affects them. Therefore, we must take care of the nasopharynx so that its mucous membranes do not dry out. Inhalations are great for this. But the most important thing is to strengthen the lungs.

How to strengthen the diaphragm

“Right now, we need to activate our respiratory functions and strengthen the diaphragm. We start life by inhaling and we end by exhaling, so inspiration and exhalation are very important. I offer this exercise to all my clients. Lie on your back, raise your legs higher; On the bed or chair, place the book under your head. In this position, the diaphragm relaxes very well and it is much easier to feel what diaphragmatic breathing is. As you inhale, try to inflate your abdomen (the diaphragm goes down), exhale and retract your abdomen (the diaphragm rises). By the way, this is how children breathe, but when we grow up we begin to breathe only through the chest, forgetting to breathe correctly.

The diaphragm trains the lower part of the lungs. Once you have learned this breathing technique, move on to rib breathing. Hug yourself on your chest: Cover your ribs with your right hand and your right ribs with your left. Feel the ribs expand out to the sides as you inhale, and on the exhale help them shrink with your hands, pressing them from the sides to the elbows. This is how we activate the middle part of the lungs. Rib breathing can be learned while standing or sitting, but when we lie down, our body is more relaxed ”, explained the physiotherapist.

Another exercise for the ribs. Lie on your side. Place your hand on the ribs, press them and pull back, that is, try to open them as if. After repeating this step 6 to 12 times, do the same by turning it the other way.

According to S. Taco, having mastered both forms of breathing, we should combine them into a whole and add breathing to the upper chest, which, in fact, we all breathe automatically anyway. Then, breathing, we will train the three parts of the lungs: the lower, the middle and the upper.

VIDEO: Quarantine Exercise with Dr. Samuel Tacu – Day 2

How long can you run out of air?

“It has been proven that the lungs train very well if we are able to remain without air for as long as possible. The exercise is performed as follows. First exhale. By the way, all breathing exercises must be started from the exhale. Then inhale quickly, exhale immediately and do not exhale. It is possible to count: one – inhale, two – exhale, three, four – pause. So breathe in for a minute and then extend the pause by a number. After a minute, extend it. Also He can breathe as he walks, in one step I inhale, in the next I exhale, and in the third and fourth I do not breathe.

This exercise can be done many times a day as soon as you have time, even while sitting in a meeting. It doesn’t really hurt because it’s not about sports, exertion, but body alignment. It is important that we do not suffer, we need to breathe again as soon as we want to. If you run out of air at any level, return to the previous level. It must be comfortable. You have to befriend the body, not rape it. I personally do this exercise by climbing the stairs to the ninth floor. And if I did not imagine that I could climb so easily two years ago, today there are no problems, and I am 74 years old ”, said the interlocutor.

Breathing on the abdomen

Another great exercise, according to S. Taco, is breathing with diaphragmatic breathing while lying on your stomach. As you inhale, inflate your abdomen by pushing it toward the ground, as if trying to push it down. Exhale with your belly. This exercise is very beneficial not only for our diaphragm, but for all internal organs. It is very healthy to breathe this way for at least five minutes every day.

Another variation of the diaphragm enhancement is already face up. Put on your belly, for example, some thick books or a different weight. Start with 1 to 2 kg and gradually increase the weight (10 kg can also be reached). And breathe with that weight on your stomach, trying to lift it up with inspiration. This is one of the few exercises that strengthens the abdominal muscles and does not harm the back.

According to the interviewee, these exercises are very useful at any stage of the pandemic, to protect against COVID-19 infection, after falling ill and recovering from the disease: of course, some patients and sick people complain of shortness of breath. Currently, S. Tacas, together with the specialists of the “Eglė” sanatorium, is developing a special program that will include various physiotherapy and physiotherapy procedures for people who need rehabilitation due to the residual consequences of COVID-19.
