The doctor warns about everyone’s favorite mineral water – you can overdose.


Renata Aleknienė, general practitioner at Antakalnis Polyclinic, says that during the pandemic, residents increasingly turn to doctors for vitamins. The doctor says that the health concerns of his compatriots are welcome, but adds that excessive consumption of vitamins can be detrimental to health.

The pandemic created health problems

R. Aleknienė says that more and more Lithuanians are turning to family doctors for the use of vitamins. It is true that the doctor points out that patients with Covid-19 infection who want to strengthen the immune system are especially concerned.

“During a pandemic, it really feels like people want to see the doctors about vitamins. I get a lot of questions about vitamins from Covid-19 patients. Parents also take great care of the health of their children and ask which vitamins are worth drinking.

Therefore, the pandemic has really caused people to worry about their health and, in the first place, what we think of when we think of health are vitamins, ”says the GP.

Vitamins can be overdosed

According to R. Aleknienė, the use of vitamins is not innocent, because a toxic dose can be reached by drinking the same vitamins for a long time, therefore the use of vitamins, especially in healthy people, should be discussed with a doctor.

“Patients really often ask me how to take vitamins: only after blood tests and consultation with a doctor, if they can shop at a pharmacy and take food supplements themselves.”

What is said not only by Lithuanians, but also by foreign specialists, it is generally not recommended to take vitamins regularly. If a person follows a balanced diet, eats healthy food, is not picky, leads a healthy lifestyle, exercises, then it is definitely not recommended that a person take additional vitamins. Unless a person has a disease or the lack of vitamins is determined by geographical characteristics, then they should be consumed, ”says the doctor.


According to R. Aleknienė, if a healthy person takes vitamins for a long time, there is a possibility of reaching a toxic dose of them, which can lead to health problems.

“The toxicity of vitamins, trace elements and other supplements occurs when they are actually in high doses. Of course, we are talking here about a healthy organism that has no special diseases. It is certainly possible for a healthy person to reach a dose of vitamin toxicity.

Especially if vitamins and other supplements are not purchased from pharmacies but from vague online vendors where vitamins come in different compositions. I have seen online what lazy sellers offer, the composition of the supplements they sell has sometimes exceeded the daily dose up to 200 times. Therefore, we must choose very carefully who and what product to buy ”, says the doctor.

According to R. Aleknienė, it is easier to get intoxicated with water-soluble vitamins.

“Folic acid, vitamin C, vitamins B. They are well tolerated, but, for example, high doses of vitamin C over a long period of time can lead to kidney stones, stone formation. Overdose of B vitamins often causes a variety of allergic reactions.

Other fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, or E, can also be toxic if taken in excess. For example, an overdose of vitamin D causes hypercalcemia. Of course, for this to happen it is necessary to take it in very high doses, here it has already been taken for a long time more than 4 thousand. operating units per day.

It is very important to know your condition and choose vitamins accordingly, and your doctor will be the best to advise you on this. For example, pregnant women should talk to their doctor about what supplements to take, as there are studies that, for example, too much vitamin A can cause certain birth defects, “says the doctor.

According to the doctor, a healthy person is recommended to take vitamins only in prophylactic doses for a short time.

“It really can be vitamin overdoses and side effects can occur, so it is important to watch what we take and how much we take. It is important for a healthy person to take supplements in prophylactic doses. Because there is an opinion that if we are healthy, eat whole foods, there should definitely be no vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin deficiency can only be tested if certain symptoms are present. What I would like to highlight is that almost everyone in Lithuania is lacking in vitamin D, so it can actually be used more often. However, all other vitamins should be used only when there are missing symptoms, ”says the doctor.

It is also important not to overdose on trace elements.

According to R. Aleknienė, it is important to use microelements responsibly. According to her, they can also overdose.

“When it comes to micronutrients and minerals, they also need to be used responsibly. If a person feels good, they eat completely, they don’t need to drink more.

However, there are many conditions in which these trace elements are needed. For example, sodium is necessary for blood pressure, heart disease, potassium is necessary for heart function, magnesium is necessary for muscles and the entire skeleton, so it must be used by athletes doing physical work.

However, others should definitely not take such supplements for no purpose. It is advisable to use these substances only in prophylactic doses in combination with other substances and vitamins. But it is not necessary to choose one and use it on purpose for a long time, unless certain ailments are taken into account, “says the doctor.

“Micronutrients can also be poisoned. For example, potassium is often given to people with heart disease who take various medications that regulate blood clotting to maintain their normal levels.

If a person consumes potassium without controlling the concentration in the blood, the possibility of exceeding the norm is certainly considerable. And when the potassium level is exceeded, life-threatening symptoms occur, specifically related to the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it should definitely not be used for a long time without supervision, ”adds R. Aleknienė.

Mineral water is not so innocent

According to the family doctor, the mineral-enriched water loved by Lithuanians is not so innocent. R. Aleknienė says that in his practice there was a case in which a child who had used mineral water for a long time had serious health problems.

“Even drinking large amounts of mineral water should be avoided because, for example, sodium, which is rich in mineral water, can increase blood pressure and cause headaches. Therefore, there should be moderation everywhere, even when consume mineral water ”, says the doctor.


“I even took a close look at a case in practice where a child who consumed sodium chloride saturated water on a daily basis had significant health problems. Due to such consumption of mineral water, the boy had both increased blood pressure and sodium crystals in the urine and headaches.

It is I who personally offer this drink only when there is an illness. Especially when there are various digestive ailments, vomiting, diarrhea, when many liquids and trace elements are lost. In addition, this type of water is very suitable for athletes, after the sauna ”, adds the doctor.

R. Aleknienė says that during a pandemic it is very important to maintain a good immune system, which is aided by an active lifestyle, time outdoors and a balanced diet.
