Department of Prisons: See Where We Spend Millions


Delphi In a report sent in 2020, the Department of Prisons states that by 2020, not only were prisons improved, but also the working conditions of prison officers were improved.

“Most of the works will be financed with the funds provided for in the Business Promotion Fund plan, more than 15 million. EUR, as well as more funds for the improvement of working conditions and conditions of detention of convicts from the budget: more than 5 million. Eur, ”said the Communications Division of the Department of Prisons.

The report notes that one of Ensuring safe working conditions for prison officials is one of the priority objectives of the prison system. Almost 1 million was allocated just for the purchase and renovation of special equipment and clothing. Eur (in 2019, special resources and other technical resources were acquired and transferred to institutions subordinate to the Department of Prisons for 700 thousand Eur).

“2020 bought more than 900 units. Gas cylinders, more than a thousand video recorders, as well as electric shock cartridges, as well as portable radio stations, portable metal detectors, tactical gloves and vests, special and riot gear and other equipment. special and technical costs for more than 600 thousand Specified in the notification – Correctional facilities are equipped with alarm, video surveillance and security, other security systems for almost 100 thousand EUR There has also been a significant investment in the repair of administrative premises, improved lighting, engineering and other electronic security measures. “

In order to increase the safety of probation officers, electric shock devices, gas cylinders and video recorders were purchased for the Lithuanian Probation Service.

“Improving the conditions of execution and detention of convicted (detained) is another priority objective of the prison system in order to create living conditions in places of deprivation that meet dignified and public standards of life, minimize the negative consequences of incarceration and provide the condemned social and labor services and the communication skills necessary for a successful integration into society after the launch ”, emphasized the representatives of the department.

In the summer of last year, the first modular residential complex for prisoners was inaugurated at the Marijampolė Correctional Institution. This is the first project of its kind in penal institutions. It is equipped with 64 residences for convicts, which are allocated at least 5 m2. Area m, equipped with shower, kitchenette.

In the Marijampolė correctional facility, the construction of an open colony began under the same principle, where 76 residences for inmates will be installed.

The 96-seat modular sector will spring up in Alytus earlier this year.

“Public acquisitions are also carried out due to the installation of modular residential complexes in the open colony of the Pravienišk Penitentiary Center – already next year more than 400 inmates will be able to use the modular residential complexes,” says the Department of Prisons. . It is true that last week the Ministry of Justice announced that the Pravieniškės Correctional Center intends to unilaterally terminate the contract concluded with KT Modules for the installation of modular residential complexes on January 8. Under this agreement, Pravieniškės Correctional Facility for 3.4 million. Modular buildings for administration and convicts would be purchased in euros, the contract stipulates 100%. move along. The Ministry of Justice has approached the Public Procurement and Special Investigation Services regarding the risks of public procurement initiated by the Department of Prisons.

“To improve the living conditions of the condemned (detained) other solutions are being sought, the premises of the penitentiaries are being repaired by installing chamber-type residences in them,” the department emphasized. By 2020, almost 150 chamber-type houses have been installed after the renovation of the old facilities ”.

In autumn, floors 2 and 3 of the second residential building of the Vilnius Correctional Institution were repaired, adapted to the needs of the interrogation isolator. All equipment, alarms and other modern security measures are up to date.

At the Kaunas Detention Center, a dormitory floor was converted into cell-type residences.

In addition, it is noted that the reconstruction of the dormitory in the open colony of the Pravieniškės prison has begun; After its completion, another 120 cell-type places for prisoners will be installed. By 2024, about half of all prisoners are projected to be living in cell-like settlements (currently more than 22% live in such conditions).

“2020 The installation of half-timbered houses has started in Panevėžys, 28 sites are planned to be installed there at the beginning of this year, and there are currently 95 places in half-timbered houses,” he highlights. Delphi in the information sent.

According to the Department of Prisons, in 2020. Much attention has also been paid to improving sports infrastructure: new or renovated sports fields have been installed in all correctional institutions, new sports equipment and exercise machines have been purchased.

“Imprisonment or restriction of liberty is in itself a punishment, and all possible measures should be taken to guarantee decent living conditions that meet the standards of living of society, minimize the negative consequences of imprisonment, and provide convicts the necessary social, work and communication skills – According to the department’s representatives, the improvement of the infrastructure of the prison system will not only ensure better working conditions for officials and living conditions for convicts (detainees), but also It will guarantee greater security both for the persons who serve and supervise the prison as well as for its detainees and society.

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