The EU “regrets” the new US tariffs and hopes to resume talks soon Business


Brussels said Washington had “unilaterally” ended the ongoing talks and said it would seek to resolve the dispute with the future administration, which will take office on January 20.

The European Commission noted “regretting that the United States has decided to add other EU products to its list of retaliation cases in the WTO-sponsored Airbus air subsidy case.”

“The EU will work with the new US administration as soon as possible to continue negotiations and find a lasting solution to the dispute,” the EU said in a statement.

The latest US decision is the latest turning point in a 16-year dispute over subsidies to aircraft manufacturers, which has deepened as US President Donald Trump has stepped up his talks. vigorous protectionist interests, and has been adopted despite hopes of a post-Joe Biden trade cessation.

This year, the World Trade Organization (WTO) allowed the EU to impose additional tariffs on US products.

However, Washington believes that it was penalized by the calculation method chosen by the EU, which, according to the Trump administration, made it possible to calculate the excessive part of the tariff on US products.

Although the dispute has been going on for more than a decade, last year Washington immediately seized the opportunity to raise $ 7.5 billion. value of tariffs in US dollars on EU goods when permitted by the WTO.

Washington set 25 percent. criminal duties on famous EU products such as wine, cheese and olive oil, and 15% was introduced in March. obligations on Airbus aircraft.
