Doctor Morozov’s advice for the new year: do not follow diets and clean social networks


So what I want to wish for everyone and everyone in 2021: do not improve.

Do not choose. Stop feeling guilty. Forget that grafted cult of guilt and duty. You do not owe anything to anyone: not to your spouses, not to your children, not to your employer. If you don’t feel well, you lose another, lose a job due to a headache, you take inability to work You don’t have to feel guilty, you just have to take time for yourself. And sometimes the body reports this strictly and selfishly, disrupting your health and your ability to work. And you will be guilty if you don’t stop to rest. How to pull that weed out of the garden of feelings?

Participate in hygiene. Do not wash your hands while singing songs and not interdental cleaning, but field of information and environmental hygiene. You can start with Morozov’s intrusive blocking on TV and social media. Along with that, everyone who’s been upset at least a little bit in the last month. In real life, a big honest “excuse me, I don’t care” works great. No need to get an answer, just say this phrase and walk away, they get angry and get sparkling.

Doctor Morozov's advice for the new year: don't follow diets and clean up social networks

Recipe: There are enough messages about the crown, 5G, the vaccination mafia and the reptilian conspiracy. The person evokes unpleasant memories, feelings and nausea, get out of my environment. A great example is a former SAM minister (by the way, a mental health specialist). He did the same to all the doctors who bothered him at least a little in his face book – he blocked it. The result is that you are still satisfied with your control of the pandemic because your environment supports you. You will see that the action of weeding involves.

Take time for yourself. Mothers of little losers, take some time for yourself. He has had at least two children (there may be more, less), so raise them in two as well. And the one who makes money also has to participate in family life a little more than as an ATM. And you, blocked Dads at Work – How much can you sacrifice the most beautiful year of your life for work and let only one ATM show on you?

Recipe: Two nights a week for you and definitely not at home. Because that night you will find unnecessary work at home. Take a walk, have a spiced tea outside, read a book, meet someone from another home, and watch a series in the park with a tablet. Allow yourself to finally have an extra cocktail and be home late. Because otherwise life and duty will kill you.

Doctor Morozov's advice for the new year: don't follow diets and clean up social networks

Don’t punish yourself with dieting. People who follow diets are upset, angry and unhappy, and at the end of the diet they gain weight again. Stop following diets, do not think about what you will not eat again today, but about what tastes good, how and with whom you will eat.

Recipe: Cooking at home. At least one new dish a week. Three different types of food each year of food, two of which, until you cooked, did not know how to move. Do not eat what you have not produced yourself and what should be on the shelves for a long time. In this way, the satisfaction of food will change from the quantitative (you have filled with a lot of food, to the qualitative), the desire to taste varied and delicious food.

Move. Just take a waltz step away from your troubles. Exercise improves mood, increases work capacity, and it is the movement, not the miracle food, that stimulates the metabolism.

Recipe: Every day at least 5,000 steps on a very bright day, breathing through the nose into the abdomen, wet from speed.

You will achieve 9 goals at once: burn calories, mobilize blood circulation, direct thoughts, stimulate digestion and calm the heart with movements of the diaphragm, produce endorphins with the help of sunlight, toughen up and get used to the changing weather more cold, get into a little regimen, get into a little regimen and discipline. to be without a mask | Because if you stretch the elasticity of the cheetah patterns, you will breathe hard, as if you are playing sports.



To pharmacies by prescription only. Because there is nothing there for your health unless prescribed by your doctor. Supplements, vitamins, supplements for sale, not health. The “immunity” measure and the “bones” supplement are only intended to attract the attention of the target group, they have nothing to do with bones or immunity. The exception is fish oil and condoms, which are necessary for everyone.

Recipe: Choose condoms individually according to size (the higher the self-esteem, the freer it is), fish oil – according to the distance from the equator. The further north the country of origin is, the easier it is for producers to fish and the more difficult it is to grow rapeseed. As a result, the Scandinavians and Icelanders pierce the poor fish, while the locals dilute the oil. Since the oil has neither the necessary vitamin D nor the omega-3s, we chose northern fish.

Smile. Vitamin C, serotonin, dopamine, exercise. Even an artificial smile to yourself in front of a mirror gives better results for humor and manageability than frowning. And if there are many of those who are easily caught, the benefits of geometric progression increase. Don’t you think so? Take a look at the state of California – everyone smiles there.

Recipe: Smile in front of a mirror every morning for at least a minute. Better to do it in two or three, muttering is contagious. Smile at work – if the situation is resolved, you will resolve it and there is nothing to be sad about. If it is not resolved, it will not change anything, at least let everyone think that you are not to blame. Lithuanians love the character of “third brother Jonas”.

You can want a lot: take a vacation, stop bad habits, call your doctor, make love more often, drink more water. But get at least these goals: free and one-size-fits-all. Then the restless days will diminish.

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