NVSC employees turn to I. Šimonytė and A. Dulkis: unfounded criticism arouses public mistrust


NVSC Personnel Request:

“We call on you (Prime Minister, Minister of Health, the media and the public) to express our concern over the unfounded criticism of the National Center for Public Health under the Ministry of Health (NVSC). The constant and unfounded criticism of The institution and its manager interrupt the work of the NVSC, which is already bearing an unbearable burden: it creates public mistrust, which makes the work of NVSC employees especially difficult during this difficult period. This also has a very negative effect on all employees of the institution who personally accept this criticism, since they work together with the manager and make decisions together.

Without the constant support of the director of the institution, the operational decisions on redistribution of functions and optimization of processes, the situation would become unbearable for the employees of the institution. An attack on our institution demotivates, in addition, negatively affects NVSC employees, their emotional and mental health.

This also has a very negative effect on all employees of the institution who personally accept this criticism, as they work alongside the manager and make decisions together.

After reading unfounded statements in the press about the head of the NVSC, the staff alarmed the head of the personnel department and asked him to explain why such things are happening, why no one wants to know what it is like. .

We don’t have weekends, we no longer celebrate holidays. Both the director of the institution and all employees, excluding working hours, have been working under extreme conditions for almost a year. Many professionals have recently left work due to an unbearable workload.

We don’t have weekends, we no longer celebrate holidays.

All the staff of the institution: lawyers, accountants, personnel department are forced to postpone their direct duties – they all work for one goal – the management of the pandemic.

We respond to thousands of calls a day, respond to hundreds of letters, conduct hundreds of epidemiological studies, and survey thousands of residents. Yes, the volunteers help us, but they are not professionals, everything is new for them, so sometimes the work does not turn out as well as we would like. In addition, we face many obstacles on a daily basis: we need a wide range of reports, explanations and data from individual case studies, the preparation of which requires a lot of effort and time.

A study of the emotional state of employees showed that NVSC employees feel infinite tension and are exhausted because they are constantly under stress, anxiety, so a constant attack wastes their strength and takes away really valuable time. Every minute is invaluable as it could be used to advise a resident in need of help or to identify and isolate a person in contact. This would protect at least a dozen more people from infection.

Since the beginning of his mandate, the head of the NVSC has taken steps to optimize and digitize the processes, periodically (both in writing and verbally) to the Ministry of Health and other government officials, reporting on the huge workload and insufficient NVSC resources.

During the pandemic, the workload increased tenfold and resources increased only a small percentage.

The Ministry of Health has been informed for several years that the NVSC’s resources are insufficient and that the institution does not have the capacity to implement modern technologies and prepare for threat management, but unfortunately the necessary measures have not been taken. Both the director and other NVSC representatives also spoke on this issue in public. During the pandemic, the workload increased tenfold and resources increased only a small percentage.

In a situation like this, we lack mobilized leadership, because it is not the right time to find culprits and discuss the lack of preparation for the second wave. Obviously, the whole world is not properly prepared for this. Now is the time to focus and concentrate and find the most effective solutions together.

We agree that the overall performance of the country in managing a pandemic is not good, but it must be understood that an institution with limited resources cannot handle this level of emergency. This must be the result of the joint work of all the competent authorities. “
