Ingrida Šimonytė: NVSC management must be held accountable for unaccounted for deaths


“I think management should be responsible for what they are. Of course, this is not an institution under my authority, but I believe that the manager’s responsibility lies, among other things, in ensuring that he either organizes the processes in the institution so that the processes work and the result is achieved.

If he can’t do it, if I were a manager in such a situation, then I wouldn’t be a manager in such a situation, because I’d just say I can’t work, thank you very much, find another manager, “commenting on” Lietuvos rytas “on Wednesday. I .Šimonytė.

The Ministry of Health reported this Tuesday that during the NVSC digitization, 804 unaccounted deaths were found, of which 324 -of COVID-19, 480- from other causes, but the deaths were due to coronavirus.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys ordered NVSC Director Robertas Petraitis to submit a detailed written assessment of the situation.

I. Šimonytė stated that the NVSC had to speak out loud before about the lack of resources and the inability to properly implement its functions, that is, “that it is fighting with a fork against the train.”

“If you only gave a fork, you had to say louder that you can’t do your job,” he said.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / National Center for Public Health

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / National Center for Public Health

Explaining where the death statistics were lost, I. Šimonytė recounted how she, including statistics on positive COVID-19 cases, had been collected earlier.

“After all, you probably know very well that up until a certain point, all the data we received was derived from the fact that someone from Ekseliuko the tables summarize the numbers, sometimes better, sometimes worse, sometimes with errors, sometimes without errors. And as a result, the number of those cases was adjusted to infinity in days, for a long time.

That we now have pretty good statistics. When the Department of Statistics is incorporated, there is aggregation of data and more or less we can trust what we see. But by then, there were 600 cases during the elections that suddenly took over and popped up.

The same goes for deaths because there is a separate process.

We have one thing in e-health and what we have in the Registry Center, and another thing, which hospitals report separately to the Public Health Center on paper, ”said the Prime Minister.

“I am not going to say that the processes in that institution are working badly, they are not there,” he added.

I will not say that the processes in that institution are working badly, they are not there.

The NVSC explained that the discrepancies in the death statistics were not due to the institution’s fault, which may not have been provided by the medical institution.

VIDEO: 15/15: Where and how were COVID-19 death statistics missing?

“According to the current procedure, the NVSC receives information on deaths from medical institutions, which are delivered with a form. In view of the burden on medical institutions, we consider that there may have been a delay in providing information or no information on deaths from COVID-19.

This means that certain discrepancies were not the fault of the NVSC. No NVSC diagnoses both death and, for example, recovery, so the information provided by medical institutions is trusted. All the information we have received from medical institutions has been compiled by our specialists, and we report it to the public on a daily basis, ”the NVSC stated in a press release on Tuesday and promised to update the data with medical institutions in the near future.

When asked what COVID-19-related death statistics should follow now, the NVSC 15 minutes indicated that the published by the Department of Statistics.

According to data from the Statistics Department this Wednesday, a total of 1,347 people died from COVID-19 in Lithuania, 669 from other reasons.
