Freeze Belarus account: Mayor calls it absurd, Minister seeks solution


Lithuanian citizens working in the Belarusian sanatorium will receive assistance through the employment service, says the Foreign Minister. Druskininkai Mayor Riardas Malinauskas describes the complex’s sanatorium as a reminder of the sanctions imposed by the European Union.

Added: Comment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis.

Chancellor Gabrielius Landsbergis says that state authorities are currently considering how to directly help the Druskininkai people who worked at the Belarus sanatorium, which was affected by the European Union sanctions.

According to him, he helps Monsgalt get through the employment service.

Now, together with other ministries, we are looking for an opportunity to help companies not give that money suddenly and authoritatively, Landsbergis says.

It also notes that part of the income received by the employees of this sanatorium was allocated to the Government of Lithuania.

Would the sanatorium have existed without the support of the Government? Many questions arise as to what the previous government was supporting by supporting such objects already during the protests. Now it is said that there may be a way to help those companies without putting money into the sanatorium that belongs to the Lukashenko administration, but with the help of the structures available to us through the state, says V. Landsbergis.

R. Malinauskas: this is absurd

According to Mayor R. Malinauskas, such a decision may affect Lithuanians working at the sanatorium, who have not yet received help from the central government.

It is absurd, it is regrettable that ordinary mons are suffering from international political affairs. The sanatorium not only cannot continue its activities, it cannot pay company wages, it cannot pay for heating, water and other things. What is the sanatorium for? I said, if there are other white oligarchs developing some kind of business or other things … the mons rest here, and 90% of all the activities were children. It is not compatible with common sense to take such measures, BNS R. Malinauskas said on Tuesday.

In total, 393 Mons and about 350 Lithuanian citizens work at the sanatorium.

According to R. Malinauskas, most of the employees live in Druskininkai and not receiving a salary until the New Year would be a painful loss for them. The mayor claims that the sanatorium has not yet received help from central government employees.

I spoke with the head of the sanatorium, he told me that he would run where it is believed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other institutions have not yet received a response, confirmed R. Malinauskas.

Swedbank will impose sanatorium laws on the EU for the Supreme Board of the President of Belarus during the EU. The sanatorium suddenly functions as a public and its board is a shareholder of the sanatorium.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that it is currently investigating what assistance can be provided to Lithuanians working in the sanatorium.

Vytautas Maiyt, a representative of the Ministry, reported that the Ministry was trying to help Lithuanian companies that had suffered because they were working for the Aliaksandr Lukashenko regime.

Without protests and illegal grinding, the risk to companies working directly with Reima is growing, he said.

Prao pinig atlyginimams

Ilya Epifanov, director of the Belorus sanatorium in Druskininkai, says that he will ask the Lithuanian authorities to allow him to pay the salaries of the employees, as he is currently unable to do so due to a frozen account.

Let us allow this, the money we have in the account. Foreign Minister Mr. Landsberg, the chairman of the Seimas Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Pavilion, the Interior Ministry, the Central Bank and the head of the sanitarium, said Tuesday.

According to him, low wages of employees are paid until the 4th of the month, and in December still until the new year. Expect that once the play in December will be paid for in early January. According to I. Epifanov, the public suddenly has three accounts, all at his Swedbank bank.

I. Epifanovastikino who suddenly does not receive support from Belarus.

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